The Blue Fairy Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 499 pages of information about The Blue Fairy Book.

The Blue Fairy Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 499 pages of information about The Blue Fairy Book.

The faithful servant pondered long how they were to set about the matter, for it was said to be difficult even to get into the presence of the Princess.  At length he hit upon a plan, and spoke to the King:  “All the things she has about her—­tables, chairs, dishes, goblets, bowls, and all her household furniture—­are made of gold.  You have in your treasure five tons of gold; let the goldsmiths of your kingdom manufacture them into all manner of vases and vessels, into all sorts of birds and game and wonderful beasts; that will please her.  We shall go to her with them and try our luck.”  The King summoned all his goldsmiths, and they had to work hard day and night, till at length the most magnificent things were completed.  When a ship had been laden with them the faithful John disguised himself as a merchant, and the King had to do the same, so that they should be quite unrecognizable.  And so they crossed the seas and journeyed till they reached the town where the Princess of the Golden Roof dwelt.

Trusty John made the King remain behind on the ship and await his return.  “Perhaps,” he said, “I may bring the Princess back with me, so see that everything is in order; let the gold ornaments be arranged and the whole ship decorated.”  Then he took a few of the gold things in his apron, went ashore, and proceeded straight to the palace.  When he came to the courtyard he found a beautiful maiden standing at the well, drawing water with two golden pails.  And as she was about to carry away the glittering water she turned round and saw the stranger, and asked him who he was.  Then he replied:  “I am a merchant,” and opening his apron, he let her peep in.  “Oh! my,” she cried; “what beautiful gold wares!” she set down her pails, and examined one thing after the other.  Then she said:  “The Princess must see this, she has such a fancy for gold things that she will buy up all you have.”  She took him by the hand and let him into the palace, for she was the lady’s maid.

When the Princess had seen the wares she was quite enchanted, and said:  “They are all so beautifully made that I shall buy everything you have.”  But Trusty John said:  “I am only the servant of a rich merchant, what I have here is nothing compared to what my master has on his ship; his merchandise is more artistic and costly than anything that has ever been made in gold before.”  She desired to have everything brought up to her, but he said:  “There is such a quantity of things that it would take many days to bring them up, and they would take up so many rooms that you would have no space for them in your house.”  Thus her desire and curiosity were excited to such an extent that at last she said:  “Take me to your ship; I shall go there myself and view your master’s treasures.”

Project Gutenberg
The Blue Fairy Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.