The Blue Fairy Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 499 pages of information about The Blue Fairy Book.

The Blue Fairy Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 499 pages of information about The Blue Fairy Book.

“Perhaps you are a fairy,” he said.  “Or has some enchanter changed you into a cat?”

But she only gave him answers that told him nothing.  Days go by so quickly when one is very happy that it is certain the Prince would never have thought of its being time to go back, when one evening as they sat together the White Cat said to him that if he wanted to take a lovely princess home with him the next day he must be prepared to do what she told him.

“Take this sword,” she said, “and cut off my head!”

“I!” cried the Prince, “I cut off your head!  Blanchette darling, how could I do it?”

“I entreat you to do as I tell you, King’s son,” she replied.

The tears came into the Prince’s eyes as he begged her to ask him anything but that—­to set him any task she pleased as a proof of his devotion, but to spare him the grief of killing his dear Pussy.  But nothing he could say altered her determination, and at last he drew his sword, and desperately, with a trembling hand, cut off the little white head.  But imagine his astonishment and delight when suddenly a lovely princess stood before him, and, while he was still speechless with amazement, the door opened and a goodly company of knights and ladies entered, each carrying a cat’s skin!  They hastened with every sign of joy to the Princess, kissing her hand and congratulating her on being once more restored to her natural shape.  She received them graciously, but after a few minutes begged that they would leave her alone with the Prince, to whom she said: 

“You see, Prince, that you were right in supposing me to be no ordinary cat.  My father reigned over six kingdoms.  The Queen, my mother, whom he loved dearly, had a passion for traveling and exploring, and when I was only a few weeks old she obtained his permission to visit a certain mountain of which she had heard many marvelous tales, and set out, taking with her a number of her attendants.  On the way they had to pass near an old castle belonging to the fairies.  Nobody had ever been into it, but it was reported to be full of the most wonderful things, and my mother remembered to have heard that the fairies had in their garden such fruits as were to be seen and tasted nowhere else.  She began to wish to try them for herself, and turned her steps in the direction of the garden.  On arriving at the door, which blazed with gold and jewels, she ordered her servants to knock loudly, but it was useless; it seemed as if all the inhabitants of the castle must be asleep or dead.  Now the more difficult it became to obtain the fruit, the more the Queen was determined that have it she would.  So she ordered that they should bring ladders, and get over the wall into the garden; but though the wall did not look very high, and they tied the ladders together to make them very long, it was quite impossible to get to the top.

“The Queen was in despair, but as night was coming on she ordered that they should encamp just where they were, and went to bed herself, feeling quite ill, she was so disappointed.  In the middle of the night she was suddenly awakened, and saw to her surprise a tiny, ugly old woman seated by her bedside, who said to her: 

Project Gutenberg
The Blue Fairy Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.