Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia : from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 488 pages of information about Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia .

Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia : from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 488 pages of information about Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia .

Three peaks of this range were particularly striking; two of them seemed to be connected by a lower ridge, in a direction from S.E. to N.W.  The south-eastern I called “Roper’s Peak,” after my companion, who afterwards ascended it with Murphy and Brown, and the north-western, “Scott’s Peak,” after Helenus Scott, Esq., of Glendon, Hunter’s River, who had kindly assisted me in my expedition.  In a W. by S. direction from these, and distant four or five miles, is another peak, to which I gave the name of “Macarthur’s Peak,” after Mr. William Macarthur, of Cambden.  All these peaks are composed of Domite; and Roper’s and Scott’s Peaks are surrounded by a sandstone formation, covered with a dense low scrub.

I passed between Roper’s Peak and Macarthur’s Peak, to the northward, and came in sight of another very remarkable cone, which I afterwards called Calvert’s Peak, after my fellow-traveller, in consequence of his having suffered severely in its neighbourhood, as I shall soon have to mention.

I traced a creek at the east side of Macarthur’s Peak to its head, and went down another on its west side to a large plain, which seemed to be limited to the westward by openly-timbered ridges.  As we advanced into the plain, a most remarkable and interesting view of a great number of peaks and domes opened to the N.N.W. and N.W.  There seemed no end of apparently isolated conical mountains, which, as they resemble very much the chain of extinct volcanos in Auvergne, might easily be mistaken for such; but, after changing the aspect a little, they assumed the appearance of immense tents, with very short ridge-poles.  To the most remarkable of them, which had the appearance of an immense cupola, I gave the name of Gilbert’s Dome, after my companion.  Far to the N.N.W. a blue peak was seen rising behind a long range of mountains, and from the latter a valley seemed to descend to the W.N.W.  A round hill, of a reddish colour, to the south or south-west of Macarthur’s Peak, was called Mount Lowe, after R. Lowe, Esq. of Sydney.  The general direction of these mountains seems to be from N. 60 degrees W. to S. 60 degrees E., and, if we compare them with the line of the coast in the neighbourhood of Broadsound and Shoalwater bay, bearing due east, it will be found that they are parallel to its direction.  All the creeks which we examined, and which fell to the south-west, were entirely dry.  On the ridges which bounded the plain to the westward, I met with Acacia pendula; and I may here remark that this appears to be the most northern limit of its habitat.  Here also, in an old camp of the natives, we found a heap of muscle-shells, which were probably taken from some very deep and shady holes in the creek, but which were now without the slightest indication of moisture.  Water failing us on the western slopes, I crossed to the east side, under the idea and hope that the north and north-east sides of the range, from being more exposed to the sea winds, would be

Project Gutenberg
Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia : from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.