The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 845 pages of information about The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete.

The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 845 pages of information about The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete.

[Footnote:  Compare with this the sketches on the other page of the same leaf.  Pl.  VIII, No. 2.]

The relative proportions of the head and of the torso.


From the roots of the hair to the top of the breast a b is the sixth part of the height of a man and this measure is equal.

From the outside part of one shoulder to the other is the same distance as from the top of the breast to the navel and this measure goes four times from the sole of the foot to the lower end of the nose.

The [thickness of] the arm where it springs from the shoulder in front goes 6 times into the space between the two outside edges of the shoulders and 3 times into the face, and four times into the length of the foot and three into the hand, inside or outside.

[Footnote:  The three sketches Pl.  XIV, No. 2 belong to this text.]

The relative proportions of the torso and of the leg (335. 336).


a b c are equal to each other and to the space from the armpit of the shoulder to the genitals and to the distance from the tip of the fingers of the hand to the joint of the arm, and to the half of the breast; and you must know that c b is the third part of the height of a man from the shoulders to the ground; d e f are equal to each other and equal to the greatest width of the shoulders.

[Footnote:  See Pl.  XVI, No. 1.]


—­Top of the chin—­hip—­the insertion of the middle finger.  The end of the calf of the leg on the inside of the thigh.—­The end of the swelling of the shin bone of the leg. [6] The smallest thickness of the leg goes 3 times into the thigh seen in front.

[Footnote:  See Pl.  XVII, No. 2, middle sketch.]

The relative proportions of the torso and of the foot.


The torso a b in its thinnest part measures a foot; and from a to b is 2 feet, which makes two squares to the seat—­its thinnest part goes 3 times into the length, thus making 3 squares.

[Footnote:  See Pl, VII, No. 2, the lower sketch.]

The proportions of the whole figure (338-341).


A man when he lies down is reduced to 1/9 of his height.


The opening of the ear, the joint of the shoulder, that of the hip and the ancle are in perpendicular lines; a n is equal to m o.

[Footnote:  See Pl.  XVI, No. 2, the upper sketch.]


From the chin to the roots of the hair is 1/10 of the whole figure.  From the joint of the palm of the hand to the tip of the longest finger is 1/10.  From the chin to the top of the head 1/8; and from the pit of the stomach to the top of the breast is 1/6, and from the pit below the breast bone to the top of the head 1/4.  From the chin to the nostrils 1/3 Part of the face, the same from the nostrils to the brow and from the brow to the roots of the hair, and the foot is 1/6, the elbow 1/4, the width of the shoulders 1/4.

Project Gutenberg
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.