The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 845 pages of information about The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete.

The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 845 pages of information about The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete.
in some retired spot and there pass my life in tranquil repose.”  And having thus remained hidden for some months, one day he came out into the air, and issuing from his sheath, saw himself turned to the similitude of a rusty saw while his surface no longer reflected the resplendent sun.  With useless repentance he vainly deplored the irreparable mischief saying to himself:  “Oh! how far better was it to employ at the barbers my lost edge of such exquisite keenness!  Where is that lustrous surface?  It has been consumed by this vexatious and unsightly rust.”

The same thing happens to those minds which instead of exercise give themselves up to sloth.  They are like the razor here spoken of, and lose the keenness of their edge, while the rust of ignorance spoils their form.


A stone of some size recently uncovered by the water lay on a certain spot somewhat raised, and just where a delightful grove ended by a stony road; here it was surrounded by plants decorated by various flowers of divers colours.  And as it saw the great quantity of stones collected together in the roadway below, it began to wish it could let itself fall down there, saying to itself:  “What have I to do here with these plants?  I want to live in the company of those, my sisters.”  And letting itself fall, its rapid course ended among these longed for companions.  When it had been there sometime it began to find itself constantly toiling under the wheels of the carts the iron-shoed feet of horses and of travellers.  This one rolled it over, that one trod upon it; sometimes it lifted itself a little and then it was covered with mud or the dung of some animal, and it was in vain that it looked at the spot whence it had come as a place of solitude and tranquil place.

Thus it happens to those who choose to leave a life of solitary comtemplation, and come to live in cities among people full of infinite evil.


Some flames had already lasted in the furnace of a glass-blower, when they saw a candle approaching in a beautiful and glittering candlestick.  With ardent longing they strove to reach it; and one of them, quitting its natural course, writhed up to an unburnt brand on which it fed and passed at the opposite end out by a narrow chink to the candle which was near.  It flung itself upon it, and with fierce jealousy and greediness it devoured it, having reduced it almost to death, and, wishing to procure the prolongation of its life, it tried to return to the furnace whence it had come.  But in vain, for it was compelled to die, the wood perishing together with the candle, being at last converted, with lamentation and repentance, into foul smoke, while leaving all its sisters in brilliant and enduring life and beauty.


Project Gutenberg
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.