The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 845 pages of information about The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete.

The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 845 pages of information about The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete.


At Santa Maria in the Valley of Ravagnate [Footnote 2:  Ravagnate (Leonardo writes Ravagna) in the Brianza is between Oggiono and Brivio, South of the lake of Como.  M. Ravaisson avails himself of this note to prove his hypothesis that Leonardo paid two visits to France.  See Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1881 pag. 528: 

Au recto du meme feuillet, on lit encore une note relative a une vallee “nemonti brigatia”; il me semble qu’il s’agit bien des monts de Briancon, le Brigantio des anciens.  Briancon est sur la route de Lyon en Italie.  Ce fut par le mont Viso que passerent, en aout 1515, les troupes francaises qui allaient remporter la victoire de Marignan.

Leonard de Vinci, ingenieur de Francois Ier, comme il l’avait ete de Louis XII, aurait-il ete pour quelque chose dans le plan du celebre passage des Alpes, qui eut lieu en aout 1515, et a la suite duquel on le vit accompagner partout le chevaleresque vainqueur?  Auraitil ete appele par le jeune roi, de Rome ou l’artiste etait alors, des son avenement au trone?_] in the mountains of Brianza are the rods of chestnuts of 9 braccia and one out of an average of 100 will be 14 braccia.

At Varallo di Ponbia near to Sesto on the Ticino the quinces are white, large and hard.

[Footnote 5:  Varallo di Ponbia, about ten miles South of Arona is distinct from Varallo the chief town in the Val di Sesia.]

Notes on places in Central Italy, visited in 1502 (1034-1054).


Pigeon-house at Urbino, the 30th day of July 1502. [Footnote:  An indistinct sketch is introduced with this text, in the original, in which the word Scolatoro (conduit) is written.]


Made by the sea at Piombino. [Footnote:  Below the sketch there are eleven lines of text referring to the motion of waves.]


Acquapendente is near Orvieto. [Footnote:  Acquapendente is about 10 miles West of Orvieto, and is to the right in the map on Pl.  CXIII, near the lake of Bolsena.]


The rock of Cesena. [Footnote:  See Pl.  XCIV No. 1, the lower sketch. 
The explanation of the upper sketch is given on p. 29.]


Siena, a b 4 braccia, a c 10 braccia.  Steps at [the castle of]
Urbino. [Footnote:  See Pl.  CX No. 3; compare also No. 765.]


The bell of Siena, that is the manner of its movement, and the place of the attachment of the clapper. [Footnote:  The text is accompanied by an indistinct sketch.]


On St. Mary’s day in the middle of August, at Cesena, 1502. [Footnote:  See Pl.  CX, No. 4.]


Stairs of the [palace of the] Count of Urbino,—­rough. [Footnote: 
The text is accompanied by a slight sketch.]


At the fair of San Lorenzo at Cesena. 1502.

Project Gutenberg
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.