fuel 3 6
a lock 1
Section title: Miscellaneous Notes.
New tin-ware 3 pairs of sheets 6 small bowls,
each of 4 breadths, 6 bowls,
2 small sheets, 2 large dishes, 2 tablecloths
and 1/2, 2 dishes medium size, 16 coarse cloths,
2 small ones 8 shirts,
Old tin-ware 9 napkins,
3 small bowls, 2 hand-towels. 4 bowls, 3
square stones, 2 small bowls, 1 large bowl, 1 platter,
4 candlesticks, 1 small candlestick.
Hose S 40 straw S 60 wheat S 42 wine S 54 bread S 18 meat S 54 eggs S 5 salad S 3 the Barber S 2 d 6 horses S 1
meat S 10 d wine S 12 d bran
S 5 d 4 herbs S 10 d buttermilk S 4 d
4 melon S 3 d bread S 3 d 1 ____________________
Monday S 9 8
____________________ ..... S 6 d wine
S 12 d bran S 9 d 4 buttermilk S
4 d 4 herbs S 8 d ____________________
Tuesday S d
_____________________ meat S 0 d 8 wine
S 12 d bread S 3 d meal S
5 d 4 herbs S 8 d _____________________
_____________________ wine S 5 d melon
S 2 d meal S 5 d 4 vegetables
S 8
Notes by unknown persons among the MSS. (1546-1565).
Miseracione divina sacro sancte Romane ecclesie tituli n cardinalis 2wulgariter nuncupatus venerabili religioso fratri Johanni Mair d’Nustorf 3ordinis praedicatorum provintie teutonie (?) conventus Wiennensis capellano 4 nostro commensali salutem in dno sempiternam Religione zelus rite ac in [ferite?] 5honestas aliarumque laudabilium probitatis et virtutum merita quibus apud nos fide 6digno commendationis testimonio Magistri videlicet ordinis felicis recordacionis Leonardi de 7Mansuetis de Perusio sigillo suo ... us dans tibi ad ... opera virtutum comen(salem)? 8 locum et tempus success(ores) cujus similiter officium ministratus qui praedecessoris sui donum (?) 9confirmavit et de novo dedit aliorumque plurima [laudatis] qui opera tua laudant 10nos inducunt ut tibi (?) reddamus ad gratiam liberalem hinc est quod nos cupientes. [Footnote: The meaning of this document, which is very difficult to decipher, and is written in unintelligible Latin, is, that Leonardo di Mansuetis recommends the Rev. Mair of Nusdorf, chaplain at Vienna, to some third person; and says also that something, which had to be proved, has been proved. The rest of the passages on the same leaf are undoubtedly in Leonardo’s hand. (Nos. 483, 661, 519, 578, 392, 582, 887 and 894.)]