Number Seventeen eBook

Louis Tracy
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 253 pages of information about Number Seventeen.

Number Seventeen eBook

Louis Tracy
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 253 pages of information about Number Seventeen.


“It would be, just as the North Foreland is in Kent.”

Theydon explained his friend’s theory of geographical names in the British Isles, and on that lightly humorous note the ladies disappeared.  When they were gone Forbes quickly gave a sinister turn to their talk.  He produced a letter from his pocket.

“Listen to this,” he said.

“Y.  M. is pleased to inform James Creighton Forbes that Mrs. Forbes is a prisoner, and will remain, without food or drink and unable to move, in an empty house until Y. M.’s demands are granted.”

His face was white with fury while he read, and his fingers moved convulsively as if he could feel them twining around Wong Li Fu’s throat.  The other men maintained a sympathetic silence.  They understood why that ghastly message had been withheld from the cognizance of the lady who had just quitted them.

“It was delivered by a messenger boy shortly before you arrived, Theydon,” said Forbes, when his passion had subsided and he could trust his voice again.

“Have you informed Scotland Yard?” said Theydon.

“No.  I dared not use the telephone.  I could not leave my wife.  She is far more shaken than she thinks.  Ever since her return she has followed me if I even walked across the room.  It was pitiful.  I had to lie to her when the butler brought this infernal note.  She saw it was typed, and believed my explanation that it was a mere record of an office cablegram.”

“Give it to me,” said Theydon.  “Mr. Handyside and I must leave you now.  We’ll take it to Scotland Yard.  Mr. Winter ought to know of it.  In all likelihood he is arranging to remain in the Croydon house tonight, and, if Wong Li Fu is telling the truth, which is highly probable, the local police can watch the place adequately.”

“Yes.  You’re right, of course.  I should have seen that an hour ago, but my brain is on fire owing to the torture these fiends have devised.”

“Are you quite safe here?  It is an absurd question, but I would like to feel assured on that point.  Shall I return, and strengthen your guard?”

“I’m exceedingly obliged to you, but, in addition to two of my servants, thoroughly trustworthy men, a detective sergeant and constable have come from Scotland Yard.  They are now having supper.  When the household retires for the night two will remain in this room, with the door open, and two in the butler’s room, which commands the other staircase.  Moreover a constable will patrol this side of the square, and a second one the back of the premises, until long after daybreak.”

“Tell you what,” said Handyside, when he and Theydon were in a taxi, and had made certain they were not being followed, “tell you what, son, you’ve struck a bonanza in this Chinese drama.”

“What do you mean?” said Theydon.

“Well, I guess you’re the curly-haired boy where Miss Evelyn is concerned.”

Project Gutenberg
Number Seventeen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.