True to Himself : or Roger Strong's Struggle for Place eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 235 pages of information about True to Himself .

True to Himself : or Roger Strong's Struggle for Place eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 235 pages of information about True to Himself .

“I’ll try it.  But you’ll promise, won’t you?”

“If you wish it, yes.”

“All right; I know I can trust you,” said Dick.  Producing his pocket knife, he quickly cut the cords that bound me.  Somewhat stiff from the position in which I had been forced to remain, I rose slowly to my feet.

“I don’t know whether to thank you or not for what you’ve done for me, Dick,” I began.  “But I appreciate your actions.”

“I don’t deserve any thanks.  It was a mean trick, and I guess legally I was as guilty as any one.  Just keep quiet about it and don’t think too hard of me.”

“I’ll do both,” I responded quickly.

“It’s a mighty lonely place to spend the night in,” he went on.  “I’m no coward, but I wouldn’t care to do it, all alone.”

“I haven’t been alone.”

“No.”  And Dick looked intensely surprised.  “Who has been here?”

I hesitated.  Should I tell him?

“A tramp,” I began.

“Why didn’t he untie you?”

“He didn’t see me.”

“Oh, I suppose you hid away.  What did he want, I wonder?”

“He was after some tools.”

“Tools!  There are none here, any more.”

“But there were.”

“What kind of tools?”

I hesitated again.  Should I tell Dick the secret?  Perhaps he might give me some timely assistance.

“Will you promise to keep silent if I tell?”

“Why, what do you mean, Roger?”

“It is very important.”

“All right.  Fire away.”

“He came after some burglar’s tools.”

Dick stepped back in astonishment.  “You surely don’t mean it!” he gasped “Who was he going to rob?”

“The widow’s house.  He knows she is away and has left considerable money in her desk.”

And in a rapid manner I told Dick of what I had overheard, omitting the mentioning of my father’s and Mr. Woodward’s names.  Of course he was tremendously excited.  What healthy country boy would not be?

“What are you going to do about it?” he questioned.

“Now I’m free I’m going to catch the fellow,” I returned decidedly.  “He shall not rob Mrs. Canby’s house if I can help it.”

“Aren’t you afraid?”

“I intend to be cautious.”

“He may have a pistol.”

“The widow left one in the house.  Maybe I can secure it.  Then we’ll be on an equal footing.”

“I’ve got a pistol, Roger.”


“Yes, the Models all carry them.  Dunc always insisted that it was the proper thing.”

As Dick spoke, he produced a highly polished nickel-plated five-shooter.

“It looks like a good one,” I said, after examining it.  “Is it loaded?”

“Oh, yes; and I’ve got a box of cartridges in my pocket besides.”

“Lend it to me, Dick.”

“If you don’t mind I’ll—­ I’ll go along with you, Roger,” he returned.  “You won’t find me such a terrible coward.”

Project Gutenberg
True to Himself : or Roger Strong's Struggle for Place from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.