Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, or, the Underground Search for the Idol of Gold eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, or, the Underground Search for the Idol of Gold.

Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, or, the Underground Search for the Idol of Gold eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, or, the Underground Search for the Idol of Gold.

“Well, I guess we have everything in pretty good shape,” remarked Tom to his chum a day or so after the visit of Mr. Damon.  “Everything is packed, and as I have a few personal matters to attend to I think I’ll take the afternoon off.”

“Go to it!” laughed Ned, guessing a thing of two.  “I’ve got a raft of stuff myself to look after, but don’t let that keep you.”

“If there is anything I can do,” began Tom, “don’t hesitate to——­”

“Nonsense!” exclaimed Ned.  “I can do it all alone.  It’s some of the company’s business, anyhow, and I’m paid for looking after that.”

“All right, then I’ll cut along,” Tom said, and he wore a relieved air.

“He’s going to see Mary,” observed Ned with a grin, as he observed Tom hop into his trim little roadster, which under his orders, Koku had polished and cleaned until it looked as though it had just come from the factory.

A little later the trim and speedy car drew up in front of the Nestor home, and Tom bounded up on the front porch, his heart not altogether as light as his feet.

“No, I’m sorry, but Mary isn’t in,” said Mrs. Nestor, answering his inquiry after greeting him.

“Not at home?”

“No, she went on a little visit to her cousin’s at Fayetteville.  She said something about letting you know she was going.”

“She did drop me a card,” answered Tom, and, somehow he did not feel at all cheerful.  “But I thought it wasn’t until next week she was going.”

“That was her plan, Tom.  But she changed it.  Her cousin wired, asking her to advance the date, and this Mary did.  There was something about a former school chum who was also to be at Myra’s house—­Myra is Mary’s cousin you know.”

“Yes, I know,” assented the young inventor.  “And so Mary is gone.  How long is she going to stay?”

“Oh, about two weeks.  She wasn’t quite certain.  It depends on the kind of a time she has, I suppose.”

“Yes, I suppose so,” agreed Tom.  “Well, if you write before I do you might say I called, Mrs. Nestor.”

“I will, Tom.  And I know Mary will be sorry she wasn’t here to take a ride with you; it’s such a nice day,” and the lady smiled as she looked at the speedy roadster.

“Maybe—­maybe you’d like to come for a spin?” asked Tom, half desperately.

“No, thank you.  I’m too old to be jounced around in one of those small cars.”

“Nonsense!  She rides as easily as a Pullman sleeper.”

“Well, I have to go to a Red Cross meeting, anyhow, so I can’t come, Tom.  Thank you, just the same.”

Tom did not drive back immediately to his home.  He wanted to do a bit of thinking, and he believed he could do it best by himself.  So it was late afternoon when he again greeted Ned, who, meanwhile, had been kept very busy.

“Well?” called Tom’s chum.

“Um!” was the only answer, and Tom called
Koku to put the car away in the garage.

Project Gutenberg
Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, or, the Underground Search for the Idol of Gold from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.