Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, or, the Underground Search for the Idol of Gold eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, or, the Underground Search for the Idol of Gold.

Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, or, the Underground Search for the Idol of Gold eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, or, the Underground Search for the Idol of Gold.

“He’d have no end of honors heaped on him, and I suppose his hat wouldn’t come within three sizes of fitting him.  Then he’d stand in better than ever with Mr. Nestor.  And, maybe, with Mary, too, though I think she is loyal to Tom.  But one never can tell.

“However, I’m glad I know about it.  I’ll do all I can to help Tom, without letting him know that I know.  And if I can do anything to help in finding that idol of gold for Professor Bumper, and, incidentally, Tom, I’ll do it,” and he spoke aloud in his enthusiasm.

Ned, who was walking along in the darkness, clapped his open hand down on Tom’s magazine he was carrying home to read again, and the resultant noise was a sharp crack.  As it sounded a figure jumped from behind a tree and called tensely: 

“Hold on there!”

Ned stopped short, thinking he was to be the victim of a holdup, but his fears were allayed when he beheld one of the police force of Shopton confronting him.

“I heard what you said about gettin’ the gold,” went on the officer.  “I was walkin’ along and I heard you talkin’.  Where’s your pal?”

“I haven’t any, Mr. Newbold,” answered Ned with a laugh, as he recognized the man.

“Oh, pshaw!  It’s Ned Newton!” exclaimed the disappointed officer.  “I thought you was talkin’ to a confederate about gold, and figured maybe you was goin’ to rob the bank.”

“No, nothing like that,” answered Ned, still much amused.  “I was talking to myself about a trip Tom Swift and I are going to take and——­”

“Oh, that’s all right,” responded the policeman.  “I can understand it, if it had anything to do with Tom.  He’s a great boy.”

“Indeed he is,” agreed Ned, making a mental resolve not to be so public with his thoughts in the future.  He chatted for a moment with the officer, and then, bidding him good-night, walked on to his home, his mind in a whirl with conglomerate visions of buried cities, great grinning idols of gold, and rival professors seeking to be first at the goal.

The next few days were busy ones for Tom, Ned and, in fact, the whole Swift household.  Tom and his father had several consultations and conducted several experiments in regard to the new stabilizer, the completion of which was so earnestly desired.  Mr. Swift was sure he could carry the invention to a successful conclusion.

Ned was engaged in putting the financial affairs of the Swift Company in shape, so they would practically run themselves during his ab-sence.  Then, too, there was the packing of their baggage which must be seen to.

Of course, the main details of the trip were left to Professor Bumper, who knew just what to do.  He had told Tom and Ned that all they and Mr. Damon would have to do would be to meet him at the pier in New York, where they would find all arrangements made.

One day, near the end of the week (the beginning of the next being set for the start) Eradicate came shuffling into the room where Tom was sorting out the possessions he desired to take with him, Ned assisting him in the task.

Project Gutenberg
Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, or, the Underground Search for the Idol of Gold from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.