Repair, Fix, Mend, 62.
Reply, Answer, 32.
Reputation, Character, 44.
Requisite, Requisition, Requirement, 106.
Resemble, Favor, 59.
Residence, House, 43.
Restaurant French, 10.
Revolting, 96.
Reverend, 182.
Riches, Alms, Odds, 145.
Ride, Drive, 76.
Right, Right here, Just here, 99.
Right smart, 73.
Rise up, 192.
Round, Square, 63.
Said, Allowed, 87.
Same as, Same that, 105.
Save, But, Or, Nor, As well as, 201.
Say, Observe, 90.
Says, States, 63.
Scholar, Pupil, 107.
Section, Region, 106.
Seeming Paradox, 191.
Seldom or ever, 106.
Send, Remit, 43.
Seraphim, Cherubim, 142.
Set, Sit, 80.
Settle up, down, 188.
Several, Couple, 76.
Sewage, Sewerage, 106.
Shall, Will, Should, Would, 100.
Shall you? Will you? 102.
She’s, He’s, It’s, 123.
Should, Would, Ought, 102.
Should, Would, Shall, Will, 100.
Shouldn’t and Wouldn’t, 122.
Sick, Ill, 107.
Sight, Many, 74.
Silent Predicate— Pronouns,
Single, The first, 79.
Singular Nouns, 125.
Singular in Meaning, 201.
Sink down, 192.
Sit, Set, 80.
Slang, 22.
Slang, Commercial, Common, and Society,
Smart, Clever, 85.
Smell of, 192.
Smells sweetly— Adjective or
Adverb? 151.
Sociable, Social, 106.
Society Slang, 23.
So... as, 163.
So far, That far, 154.
So nice, 155.
So, Such, 152.
Solos, Heroes, Octavos, 145.
Some better, 98.
Some means or another, 48.
Somebody else’s, 127.
Somewheres, Anyways, Thereabouts, 78.
Sparrowgrass, Asparagus, 34.
Specialty, Speciality, 106.
Square, Round, 63.
Stand a chance, 110.
States, Says, 63.
Station, Depot, 43.
Stay, Stop, 63.
Stilts, 18.
Stop, Stay, 63.
Strata, Data, 144.
Subject after the verb, 199.
Subsequent, Future, 79.
Subtile, Subtle, 63.
Such as you and me— After than
and as, 133.
Such, So, 152.
Summerish, Winterish, 99.
Summons, 64.
Supply “To,” 166.
Support, Back up, 82.
Sweat, Perspire, 86.
Tableaux, Beaus, Plateaus, 147.
Tactics, Acoustics, 143.
Taint, Haint, 121.
Take, Adopt, 37.
Talented, 103.
Taste, 7.
Tasty, Tasteful, 64.
Team, 64.
Teach, Learn, 88.
Terminus, Radius, Focus, 143.
Than, 48.
Than ambiguous, 158.
Thanks, I thank you, 115.
That, As, 70.
That, But, 157.
That far, Thus far, 154.
That, Lest, 159.
That omitted, 158.
That, that, 157.
The father he died— Needless
pronouns, 136.
The first, Single, 79.
The Honorable, the Reverend, 182.