Each, Both, 72.
Each, Every, 71.
Each, Every, No, Not, 201.
Each other, One another, 46.
Each other’s eyes— Pronouns,
Each... their— Agreement with
antecedent, 134.
Effect, Affect, 37.
Effluvia, Phenomena, 144, 204.
Either, Neither, 47, 163.
Either the... or the, 159.
Elder, Older, 91.
Eli Perkins and Chauncey Depew, 65.
Ellipsis, Analysis, 143.
Else ...besides, 49.
Else than, Other than, 159.
Emigrants, Immigrants, 78.
Empty, 86.
End, Conclusion, 39.
Endorse, Indorse, 84.
End up, 192.
Enjoy, 86.
Enjoyed poor health, 36.
Equally as well, 190.
Evacuate, Vacate, 75.
Ever, Never, 72.
Every confidence, 67.
Every, Each, 71.
Every, Each, No, Not, 201.
Everybody else’s, 128.
Everybody... they— Agreement
with antecedent, 134.
Every once in awhile, 73.
Everywheres, 190.
Evident, Apparent, 33.
Exasperate, Aggravate, 37.
Except, But, 157.
Except, But, Only, 157.
Except, Unless, Besides, 161.
Exceptionable, Exceptional, 73.
Excuse me— Which? 26.
Expect, Anticipate, 32.
Expect, Suspect, Suppose, 110.
Factor, 112.
Farther, Further, 45.
Fathers-in-law— Plural compounds,
Fault, Defect, 45.
Favor, Resemble, 59.
Feel like, 190.
Feels badly— Adjective or adverb?
Female, Woman, 73.
Fetch, Bring, Carry, 44.
Few, 191.
Few, Little, 46.
Fewer, Less, 73.
Fictitious writer, 62.
Fine writing, 8.
Finished, Complete, Through, 39, 99.
Fire, Throw, 78.
First, Firstly, 62.
First, Former, 61.
First-rate, 62.
First two, 79.
Fish, Fly, 148.
Fix, In a, 53.
Fix, Mend, Repair, 62.
Fly, Flee, 53.
Flys, Fishes, 148.
Foregoing, Above, 87.
Foreign words, 9.
Former, First, 61.
Formulas, Larvas, Stigmas, 144.
For to see, 189.
Frederick the Great’s Kindness—
Nouns in apposition, 127.
From hence, thence, whence, 180.
From, Of, 104, 176.
Funny, 56.
Further, Farther, 45.
Future, Subsequent, 79.
Gent’s pants, 79.
German, Dutch, 75.
Get, Got, 54.
Give, Accord, 36.
Good deal, Great deal, 57.
Good piece, Long distance, 110.
Good usage, 19.
Good, Well, 158.
Got to, Must, 115.
Governor, the old man, 97.
Great big, 98.
Great deal, Good deal, 57.
Greatly, Badly, 114.
Grouse, Quail, Snipe, 149.
Grow, Raise, Rear, 113.
Guess, Reckon, Calculate, Allow, 56.
Gums, Overshoes, 56.