Alone, Only, 113.
Alternative, 87.
Alternation, 87.
Alumna, Formula, 144,
Alumnus, Terminus, Cactus, 143.
Ambiguity— Pronouns, 135.
Among the rest, 78.
Among, Between, 175.
Amount, Number, 32.
Analysis, Crises, 143.
And, To— Try and, 117.
Anglicized Words, 20.
Angry, Mad, 30.
Animalcules, not Animalculae, 148.
Anniversary, 87.
Answer, Reply, 32.
Antagonize, Alienate, Oppose, 32.
Anticipate, Expect, 32.
Any, At all, 32.
Anyhow, 81.
Anyways, Somewheres, Thereabouts, 78.
Apart, Aside, 78.
Apparent, Evident, 33.
Appendix, Index, 148.
Appointed you and I— after verbs and prepositions, 130.
Appreciate highly, 189.
Apprehend, Comprehend, 105.
Archimedes’ Screw, 125.
Argue, Augur, 98.
Around, About, 95.
Articles, 181.
A, An, 181.
Interchanged, 184.
Omitted, 182.
Redundant, 183.
Titles— The Reverend, 182.
As after Equally, 190.
As... as, 162.
As, Like, 88.
As... so, 163.
As soon as, Directly, Immediately, 77.
As, That, 70.
As though, As if, 160.
As well as, Or, Nor, But, Save, 201.
Ascend up, 189.
Aside, Apart, 78.
Asparagus, Sparrowgrass, 34.
Assets, Alms, Scissors, 145.
Assure, Promise, 34.
At all, Any, 32.
At, To, 176.
At you, 114.
Attacked, Burst, Drowned, 108.
Aware, Conscious, 39.
Away, Way, 41.
Awful, 81.
Awkward construction— Participles, 172.
Back up, Support, 82.
Badly, Greatly, 114.
Bad toothache, 70.
Balance, Remainder, 60.
Bandits, Banditti, 148.
Barbaric, Barbarous, 98.
Barbarisms, 20.
Beaus, Tableaux, Chateaux, 147.
Beautifully, Beautiful, 70.
Because, Reason, 156.
Been to, 190.
Beg, Beg leave, 71.
Beg pardon, Which? 26.
Begin, Commence, 38.
Behave, 60.
Bell, Alex. Melville, 24.
Besides, 49.
Beside, Besides, 108.
Better, Best, 61.
Between, Among, 175.
Between you and I— After verbs
and prepositions, 130.
Black Oxide of Manganese, 36.
Bombastic Language, 18.
Both, 190.
Both, Both of, 72.
Both, Each, 72.
Bound, 61.
Bountiful, Plentiful, 108.
Brace, Pair, Couple, 147.
Bravery, Courage, 116.
Bring, Fetch, Carry, 44.
Brooks’s Arithmetics, 125.
Brothers, Brethren, 149.
Bryant’s list, 16.
Bulk, 82.
Burglarize, 82.
Burst, Attacked, Drowned, 108.
But, Except, 157.
But, If, 157.
But, Only, Except, 157.
But, Or, Nor, Save— As well
as, 201.
But superfluous, 158.
But that, 158, 190.
But that, But what, 82, 157.
But that, 157.
But that, Than that, 158.
But what, 160.
But what, But that, 82, 157.
By, In, 175.
By, With, 177.