“The whereabouts of his cousins were not known to him.” The plural form of this word is misleading. The verb should be was.
Phenomena, Effluvia
“A strange phenomena,” “A disagreeable effluvia” are incorrect forms not infrequently met with. Both words are plural, and require plural verbs and also the omission of the article a.
You was
This very incorrect form is often employed by those who know better, and who use it, seemingly, out of courtesy to the uneducated people with whom they are brought in contact. If it be a courtesy, it is one that is “more honored in the breach than in the observance.”
Those who use the expression ignorantly are not likely
to read this book, or any other of a similar character,
and need scarcely be told that was should be were.
Index _______
A, An, 181.
Aberration of intellect, 87.
A 1,83.
A hundred others’ woes— Pronouns, 126.
Ability, Capacity, 27.
About, Almost, 28.
About, Around, 95.
Above, More than, Preceding, 111.
Above, Foregoing, 87.
Above up, 180.
Acceptance, Acceptation, 28.
Access, Accession, 28.
Accident, Injury, 28.
Accord, Give, 86.
Accordance of Verb with Subject, 198.
Collective Nouns, 203.
Compound Subjects, 200.
Each, Every, No, Not, 201.
Interrogative sentences, 199.
Or, Nor, As well as, But, Save, 201.
Phenomena, Effluvia, 204.
Poetical Construction, 201.
Singular in Meaning, 200.
Subject after the Verb, 199.
Titles of Books, 204.
Weights, Measures, and Values, 203.
Whereabouts, 204.
You was, 204.
Acoustics, Ethics, Politics, 143.
Act, Action, 86.
Adherence, Adhesion, 36.
Adjective or Adverb, 150.
Adopt, Take, 37.
Adverbs, 150.
Adverbs for Relative Pronouns, 140.
Advise, Persuade, 52.
Affect, Effect, 37.
After of— Possessive case, 127.
After than and as— Pronouns, 132.
After that, 159.
After the Imperative— Pronouns, 132.
After verbs— Participles, 171.
After the verb To be— Pronouns, 131.
After verbs and prepositions— Pronouns, 130.
Again, Against, 115.
Aggravate, Exasperate, 37.
Agreeably disappointed, 77.
Agreement with Antecedent— Pronouns, 133.
Ain’t, 119.
Alex. Melville Bell, 24.
Alienate, Antagonize, Oppose, 32.
Alighted, Lit, Lighted, 88.
All, Is that all? 108.
All of, 180.
All, Whole, 41, 51.
Alleviate, Relieve, 37.
Allow, Guess, Reckon, Calculate, 56.
Allowed, Said, 87.
Allude to, Refer to, 77.
Almost, About, 28.
Almost, Most, Very, 30.