A Rock in the Baltic eBook

Robert Barr (writer)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 237 pages of information about A Rock in the Baltic.

A Rock in the Baltic eBook

Robert Barr (writer)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 237 pages of information about A Rock in the Baltic.

The Lieutenant laughed quite as heartily as if he had not himself hoped to occupy the position now held by the sprightly Katherine.  He was cudgelling his brain to solve the problem represented by the adage “Two is company, three is none.”  The girls sat together on the settee and gazed out over the brilliantly lighted, animated throng.  People were still pouring up the gangways, and the decks were rapidly becoming crowded with a many-colored, ever-shifting galaxy of humanity.  The hum of conversation almost drowned the popular selections being played by the cruiser’s excellent band.  Suddenly one popular selection was cut in two.  The sound of the instruments ceased for a moment, then they struck up “The Stars and Stripes for Ever.”

“Hello,” cried Katherine, “can your band play Sousa?”

“I should say we could,” boasted the Lieutenant, “and we can play his music, in a way to give some hints to Mr. Sousa’s own musicians.”

“To beat the band, eh?—­ Sousa’s band?” rejoined Katherine, dropping into slang.

“Exactly,” smiled the Lieutenant, “and now, young ladies, will you excuse me for a few moments?  This musical selection means that your Secretary of the Navy is on the waters, and I must be in my place with the rest of the officers to receive him and his staff with all ceremony.  Please promise you will not leave this spot till I return:  I implore you.”

“Better put the blue-jacket on guard over us,” laughed Katherine.

“By Jove! a very good idea.”

Dorothy saw all levity depart from his face, giving way to a look of sternness and command.  Although he was engaged in a joke, the subordinate must see no sign of fooling in his countenance.  He said a sharp word to a blue-jacket, who nimbly sprang to the end of the settee, raised his hand in salute, and stiffened himself to an automaton.  Then the girls saw the tall figure of the Lieutenant wending its way to the spot where the commander stood.

“I say, Dorothy, we’re prisoners.  I wonder what this Johnny would do if we attempted to fly.  Isn’t the Lieutenant sumptuous?”

“He seems a very agreeable person,” murmured Dorothy.

“Agreeable!  Why, he’s splendid.  I tell you, Dorothy, I’m going to have the first dance with him.  I’m the eldest.  He’s big enough to divide between two small girls like us, you know.”

“I don’t intend to dance,” said Dorothy.

“Nonsense, you’re not going to sit here all night with nobody to speak to.  I’ll ask the Lieutenant to bring you a man.  He’ll take two or three blue-jackets and capture anybody you want.”

“Katherine,” said Dorothy, almost as severely as if it were the elder sister who spoke, “if you say anything like that, I’ll go back to the house.”

“You can’t get back.  I’ll appeal to the guard.  I’ll have you locked up if you don’t behave yourself.”

“You should behave yourself.  Really, Katherine, you must be careful what you say, or you’ll make me feel very unhappy.”

Project Gutenberg
A Rock in the Baltic from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.