Expedition into Central Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 759 pages of information about Expedition into Central Australia.

Expedition into Central Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 759 pages of information about Expedition into Central Australia.
18 Clay. 19 Magnesian limestone, and limestone slaty and impure. 20 White conglomerate rock, appearing a binary granite. 21 Indurated clay. 22 Silicious pebbles. 23 Silicious rock, with veins of quartz. 24 Silicious rock. 25 Rock composed principally of silica and alumen forming sandstone. 26 Milky quartz. 27) Rounded balls, composed of sand and clay, cemented by oxide of iron; 28) hollow, but without crystals; rounded by the action of water. 29 Hornstone. 30 Granite, grey, a variety. 31 Ferruginous sandstone. 32 Silicious rock, with veins of quartz. 33 Mica slate. 34 Quartz, indurated with red veins. 35 Silicious rock, dusky. 36 Silicious rock, white. 37 Gypsum, or sulphate of lime. 38 Quartz veins from slate; trap rock, containing hornblende and feldspar; limestone, recent, with clay and slate imbedded. 39 Impure and slaty limestone; hornslate, a variety. 40 Hemaetite, a silicious oxide of iron; quartz veins in slate; silicious
     rock; chalcedony; sandy clay.
41 Indurated and dusky quartz. 42 Quartz, a hard, fine-grained dusky variety. 43 Ditto ditto ditto 44 Silicious rock, appearing a knob, from a slate formation 45 Limestone (fibrous). 46 Silicious rock. 47 Horn slate. 48 Silicious rock; iron-stone pebbles. 49 Hornstone. 50 Quartz. 51 Quartz. 52 Trap rock. 53 Quartz. 54 Hornstone. 55 White rock. 56 White sandstone. 57 Sandstone. 58 Sandstone. 59 Silicious oxide of iron. 60 Gypsum.

It will be seen, by an inspection of the map, that there is a large interval of low depressed country, between Stanley’s and Grey’s Ranges.  The rock formation on the latter being almost exclusively of one kind.  Beyond Grey’s Range, no elevation in the interior, on the N.W. line traversed by the Expedition, was seen; but on the Stony Desert the fragments of rock, with which it was covered, were composed of indurated quartz, rounded by attrition, and coated with oxide of iron.  North of the Stony Desert, sandstone occurred in the bed of Eyre’s Creek, and milky quartz cropped out of the ground, in lat. 25 degrees 35 minutes, and in long. 138 degrees 39 minutes.  The valley of Cooper’s Creek was, however, bounded in by low quartzose hills, covered with sand.  The general level of the interior was otherwise ferruginous clay, on which the long sandy doones or ridges rested, excepting where their regularity was broken by flooded plains.  The clay rested on sandstone, which, with a few exceptions, where fossil tertiary limestone occurred, similar to that of the Murray cliffs, was ferruginous sandstone, at the depth of two feet and a half or three feet.


Project Gutenberg
Expedition into Central Australia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.