Expedition into Central Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 759 pages of information about Expedition into Central Australia.

Expedition into Central Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 759 pages of information about Expedition into Central Australia.
have a very remarkable strength of sinew, or they could not otherwise raise themselves, as they do, on so slender a footing in climbing up the trees, and in many other occupations.  I have read in several authors that the natives of Australia have woolly hair.  This is a mistake; their hair is as fine and as curly as that of an European, but its natural beauty is destroyed by filth and neglect.  Nothing can prove its strength more than the growth of their beards, which project from their chins, and are exceedingly stiff.

In many places the natives have but a scanty and precarious subsistence, which may in some measure account for the paucity of their numbers in some localities.  In many parts of the country in which I have been I feel satisfied they can seldom procure animal food, as they would not otherwise resort to the use of some things which no time could, I should imagine, make palateable.  Their dexterity at the chase is very great, although in hunting the kangaroo they become so nervous that they frequently miss their mark.  I have seen them sink under water and bring up a fish writhing on the short spear they use on such occasions, which they have struck either in the forehead, or under the lateral fin, with unerring precision.  Still some of our people come pretty close to them in many of their exercises of the chase, and the young settlers on the Murray very often put them to the blush.  At the head of them is Mr. Scott, Mr. Eyre’s companion, who has now succeeded him in the post at Moorundi.  There is not a native on the river so expert in throwing the spear, in taking kangaroo or fish, or in the canoe, as he is.  His spear is thrown with deadly precision, and he has so mixed with the natives, that he may be said to be one of themselves, having the most unbounded influence over them, and speaking their language as fluently as themselves.  Mr. Scott is at the same time very firm and decided, and is exceedingly respected by the settlers on the Murray.  Under such circumstances it is to be hoped he will emulate Mr. Eyre and effect much good among his sable friends.  Their devotion and attachment to him is very remarkable, and every native on the Murray knows “Merrili,” as he is called.

One great cause of the deaths amongst the Aborigines is their liability to pulmonary diseases from being constantly in the water.  They are much annoyed by rain, nor will any thing induce them to stir during wet weather, but they sit shivering in their huts even in the height of summer.  There is no people in the world so unprovided against inclemency or extremes of weather as they are.  They have literally nothing to cover them, to protect them from the summer heat or the winter’s cold; nor would any charity be greater than to supply these poor people with clothing.  A few blankets, a few Guernsey shirts, and woollen trowsers, would be to them a boon of the first importance, and I would that my voice in their favour could induce the many who are humane and charitable here to devote

Project Gutenberg
Expedition into Central Australia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.