Expedition into Central Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 759 pages of information about Expedition into Central Australia.

Expedition into Central Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 759 pages of information about Expedition into Central Australia.
on to the ranges—­return to the creek—­again
             ascend the ranges—­find water beyond them—­proceed to the
             W.N.W.—­Return to the ranges—­ants and flies—­turn to the
             eastward—­no water—­return to the camp—­Mr. Poole finds
             water—­Mack’s adventure with the natives—­move the camp.

Chapter VI the depot—­further progress checked—­character of the
             ranges—­journey to the north-east—­return—­journey to the
             west—­return—­again proceed to the north—­interview with
             natives—­arrive at the farthest water—­the party separates—­
             progress northwards—­continue to advance—­sufferings of the
             horse—­cross the 28th parallel—­rejoin Mr. Stuart—­journey to
             the westward—­character of the country—­find two ponds of
             water—­the grassy park—­return to the Rang—­excessive heat—­
             A singular geological feature—­regain the depot.

Chapter VII migration of the birds—­journey to the eastward—­flooded
             plains—­native family—­proceed south, but find no water—­
             again turn eastward—­sterile country—­salt lagoon—­distant
             hills to the east—­return to the camp—­intense heat—­officers
             attacked by scurvy—­journey to the west—­no water—­forced to
             return—­illness of Mr. Poole—­visited by A native—­second
             journey to the eastward—­story of the native—­kites and
             crows—­erect A pyramid on mount Poole—­preparations

Project Gutenberg
Expedition into Central Australia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.