Spinifex and Sand eBook

David Carnegie
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 441 pages of information about Spinifex and Sand.

Spinifex and Sand eBook

David Carnegie
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 441 pages of information about Spinifex and Sand.

I had a splendid chance of replenishing our larder, and, fool that I was, I missed it.  I was riding The Warden to the spring, when a kangaroo popped up on his hind legs, and sat looking at me.  The Warden would not keep still; the surprised kangaroo actually waited for me to dismount and aim my rifle, but just as I fired The Warden jerked my arm and I missed, and away bounded many a good meal—­and with it the pony!  So I continued my way on foot, and was rewarded by finding some interesting things.  A big camp of natives had been here in our absence; near the spring in the scrub was a cleared corroboree ground, twenty feet by fifty yards, cleaned of all stones and enclosed by a fallen brush-fence (this older than the other work, showing this is a favourite meeting-place).  At one end was a sort of altar of bushes, and hidden beneath them a long, carved board.  This I took, and afterwards gave to Sir John Forrest.  In every tree surrounding the clearing a stone was lodged in the forked branches.

The pile of stones on Mount Allott had not been touched, nor had my board been removed.  On it I found an addition to my directions to the lagoon—­an addition made by two prospectors, Swincer and Haden, who had been in this locality two months after our first visit.  I did not meet either Mr. Swincer or Mr. Haden, but I heard that my board had been of great service to them, for without it they would not have known of the lagoon, where they camped some time.  G.H.S. carved on a tree near the Blythe Creek was also due to them; I believe that was about their furthest point reached, from which they returned to Lake Darlot.  On their return they depended on a water which failed them, and they had in consequence a narrow squeak for their lives.  On nearing camp I met Breaden and Warri, who had started to track me up, for Warden’s return with an empty saddle had caused a little anxiety.

I observed for latitude that night, and was pleased to find that my two positions for the lagoon agreed almost exactly, both in latitude and longitude—­a very satisfactory result considering the distance we had travelled.

On the 20th we started again, steering a course a little South of West, my intention being to round the North end of Lake Wells, and cut the Bonython Creek, with the object of seeing if another oasis, on our suggested stock route from South Australia, could be found.  It need hardly be said that any idea of a stock route from Hall’s Creek is absolutely impracticable.  Between Woodhouse Lagoon and Lake Wells the country consists of low sand-ridges, on which grows an abundance of acacia bushes and others suitable for camels, alternating with open spinifex plains, mulga scrubs in which good grass grows, and nearer the lagoon one or two small grass plains.  All through cliffs and bluffs are met with, from which small creeks ending in a grassy avenue run; and, as Lake Wells is approached, table-topped hills and low ranges occur, and occasional flats of salt-bush country. 

Project Gutenberg
Spinifex and Sand from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.