Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 723 pages of information about Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,.

Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 723 pages of information about Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,.
   Range and towards Barrow’s Range. 
Leschenaultia divaricata, F.M., Fragm. 3, 33. 
   Lake Amadeus.
[?] Leschenaultia striata, F.M., Fragm. 8, 245. 
   Mount Olga.
[Catosperma goodeniaceum] Catosperma Muelleri, Benth., Fl.  Austr.
4, 83. 
   Between the Alberga and Mount Olga. 
Scaevola collaris, F.M., Rep. on Babb.  Plants, 15. 
   Lake Eyre. 
Scaevola spinescens, R. Br., Prodr., 568. 
   Lake Eyre. 
Scaevola depauperata, R. Br., Append. to Sturt’s Centr.  Austr., 20. 
   MacDonnell’s Range.
[Velleia connata] Velleya connata, F.M. in Hook.  Kew Misc. 8, 162. 
   MacDonnell’s Range.

[Stylidaceae] STYLIDEAE: 

[?] Stylidium floribundum, R. Br., Prodr., 569. 
   MacDonnell’s Range.

[Boraginaceae] ASPERIFOLIAE: 

[?] Heliotropium asperrimum, R. Br., Prodr., 493. 
   Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, MacDonnell’s Range. 
Heliotropium undulatum, Vahl., Sym. 1, 13. 
   Near Lake Eyre.
[Cynoglossum australe] Cynoglossum Drummondi, Benth., Fl.  Austr. 4,
   On Mount Olga and towards the Alberga.
[Trichodesma zeylanicum] Trichodesma Zeilanicum, R. Br., Prodr.,
   From the Alberga to Mount Olga and MacDonnell’s Range.
[?] Halgania anagalloides, Endl. in Ann. des Wien.  Mus. 2, 204. 
   MacDonnell’s Range. 
Halgania cyanea, Lindl.  Bot.  Reg. 25, App., 40. 
   MacDonnell’s and Petermann’s Ranges.

[Lamiaceae =] LABIATIAE: 

Plectranthus parviflorus, Henck.  Adumb., 1806. 
   Between Mount Olga and Barrow’s Range.
[?] Microcorys Macredieana, F.M., Fragm. 8, 231. 
   Rawlinson’s Range. 
Prostanthera striatiflora, F.M. in Linnaea 25, 425. 
   From the Alberga to Mount Olga; also on Gosse’s Range and
   MacDonnell’s Range. 
Prostanthera Wilkieana, F.M., Fragm. 8, 230. 
   Between Mount Olga and Barrow’s Range. 
Teucrium racemosum, R. Br., Prodr., 504. 
   Lake Eyre, Lake Amadeus, Finke River.


[Newcastelia bracteosa] Newcastlia bracteosa, F.M., Fragm. 8, 49. 
   MacDonnell’s Range; between Mount Olga and Warburton’s
   Range; Gill’s Range.
[Newcastelia cephalantha] Newcastlia cephalantha, F.M., Fragm. 9, ined. 
   Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
[Newcastelia spodiotricha] Newcastlia spodiotricha, F.M., Fragm. 3, 21, t. 21. 
   MacDonnell’s and Rawlinson’s Ranges.
[Dicrastylis doranii] Dicrastylis Dorani, F.M., Fragm. 8, 230. 
   Rawlinson’s Range.
[Dicrastylis exsuccosa] Dicrastylis ochrotricha, F.M., Fragm. 4, 161. 
   Between Mount Olga and Barrow’s Range. 
Dicrastylis Beveridgei, F.M., Fragm. 8, 50. 
   Between Mount Udor and Gill’s Range, also on Mount Olga. 
Dicrastylis Gilesii, F.M., Fragm. 8, 229. 
   Between the Alberga and Mount Olga; Glen of Palms.
[Dicrastylis lewellinii] Chloanthes Lewellini, F.M., Fragm. 8, 50. 
   Mount Olga; MacDonnell’s Range.

Project Gutenberg
Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated, from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.