Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 723 pages of information about Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,.

Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 723 pages of information about Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,.
other direction scrubs and scrubby rises bounded the view.  This low range was about 300 feet high; the ridges beyond continued on our course, a little north of west for two or three miles, when we again entered the sandy scrubs, and camped, after travelling twenty-eight miles.  Our position here was in latitude 30 degrees 10’ 5”, and longitude 122 degrees 7’ 6”.  The next day we had scrubs undulating as usual, and made a day’s stage of twenty-four miles, sighting at twelve miles three low ranges, northerly, north-easterly, and east-north-easterly, the most easterly appearing to be the highest.  They were from twenty to thirty miles away from our line.

On the 9th and 10th October we had all scrubs; on the 11th, towards evening, we had some scrubby ridges in front of us, and were again hemmed in by salt lakes.  To save several miles of roundabout travelling, we attempted to cross one of these, which, though not very broad, was exceedingly long to the north and south, and lay right across our track.  Unfortunately a number of the leading camels became apparently hopelessly embedded in a fearful bog, and we had great difficulty in getting them safely out.  It was only by the strenuous exertions of all hands, and by pulling up the camels’ legs with ropes, and poking tarpaulins into the vacated holes, that we finally rescued them without loss.  We then had to carry out all their loads ourselves, and also the huge and weighty pack-saddles.  We found it no easy matter to carry 200 pounds, half a load—­some of the water-casks weighed more—­on our backs, when nearly up to our necks in the briny mud, on to the firm ground.  However, we were most fortunate in having no loss with the camels, for a camel in a bog is the most helpless creature imaginable.  Leaving the bog, we started up the shore of the lake, northerly, where we found some more of the little pea-vetch, and encamped, making only twenty-four miles straight from last camp.  The camels have had nothing to eat for three nights previously.  We saw some natives’ smoke three or four miles away from where we camped, and as there were ridges near it, I intend to send some one there in the morning to look for water.

We had still some miles to go, to get round the northern end of the boggy lake.  Alec Ross and Tommy walked across, to hunt up any traces of natives, etc., and to look for water.  On clearing this boggy feature, we ascended into some densely scrubby granite rises; these had some bare rocks exposed here and there, but no indentations for holding water could be seen.  At fifteen or sixteen miles, having passed all the ridges, and entered scrubs and mallee again, Alec and Tommy overtook us, Mr. Young having remained behind with their camels, and reported that they had found one small rock-hole.  Alec said it had twenty or thirty gallons of water in it, but Tommy said there was only a little drop, so I did not think it worth while to delay by sending any camels back so far for so little reward.  We saw two or

Project Gutenberg
Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated, from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.