Waverley — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 733 pages of information about Waverley — Complete.

Waverley — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 733 pages of information about Waverley — Complete.

PAUNIE, a peacock.

Peculium, private property.

PINNERS, a headdress for women.

Plack, a copper coin worth one third of a penny.

PLAIDY, an outer covering for the body.

Plenish, furnish.

Ploy, an entertainment, a pastime.

Pottinger, an apothecary.

POWNIE, a pony.

POWTERING, poking, stirring.

Pretty man, a stout, warlike fellow.

Quean, a young woman.

Redd, part, separate.

REISES, twigs, branches.

Resiling, retracting, withdrawing.

Riggs, ridges, ploughed ground.

RINTHEROUT, a roving person, a vagabond.

Row, roll.

Rowed, rolled.

ROWT, cried out, bellowed,

ROYNISH, scurvy, coarse.

Sae, so.

St. Johnstone’s tippet, a rope or halter for hanging.

SAIR, sore, very.

Sall, shall.

Sark, a shirt.

SAUMON, a salmon.

SAUT, salt.

SCARTED, scratched, scribbled over.

SCHELLUM, a rascal.

Scroll, engross, copy.

Shanks, legs.

SHEERS, shears.

SHOUTHER, the shoulder.

SICCAN, sic, such.

Siller, money.

Silly, weak.

SKIG, the least quantity of anything.

SMA’, small.

Smoky, suspicious.

Sneck, cut.

Sorted, put in proper order, adjusted.

Sowens, the seeds of oatmeal soured.

Speer, ask, investigate.

Spence, the place where provisions are kept.

SPRACK, lively.

SPRECHERY, movables of an unimportant sort.

SPUILZIE, spoil.

SPUNG, pick one’s pocket.

STIEVE, firm.

Stoor, rough, harsh.

STRAE, straw.

STREEKS, stretches, lies.

SWAIR, swore.

Syne, before, now, ago.

TAIGLIT, harassed, encumbered, loitered.

TAULD, told.

THAE, those.

Thir, these.

Thole, bear, suffer.

Thraw, twist, wrench.

THREEPIT, maintained obstinately.

Throstle, the thrush.

Till, to.

TIRRIVIES, hasty fits of passion,

TOCHERLESS, without dowry.

TOUN, a town, a hamlet, a farm.

Toy, an old-fashioned cap for women.

Trews, trousers.

Trindling, rolling.

Trow, believe.

TUILZIE, a quarrel

TUME, toom, empty.

Turnspit doggie, a kind of dog, long-bodied and short-legged, formerly used in turning a treadmill.

Project Gutenberg
Waverley — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.