Waverley — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 733 pages of information about Waverley — Complete.

Waverley — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 733 pages of information about Waverley — Complete.

Brent, smooth, unwrinkled.

BROGUES, Highland shoes.

BROO, brew, broth.

BRUCKLE, brittle, infirm.

BRUIK, enjoy.

BRULZIE, bruilzie, a broil, a fray.

BUCKIE, a perverse or refractory person.

Buttock-mail, a fine for fornication.

Bydand, awaiting.

CA’, call.

Cadger, a country carrier.

CAILLIACHS, old women on whom devolved the duty of lamenting for the dead, which the Irish call keening.

Callant, a stripling, a fine fellow.

Cannily, prudently.

Canny, cautious, lucky.

Carle, a churl, an old man.

Cateran, a freebooter.

CHIEL, a young man.

Clachan, a village, a hamlet.

CLAMYHEWIT, a blow, a drubbing.

Clash, chatter, gossip.

Clatter, tattle, noisy talk.

Close, a narrow passage.

CLOUR, a bump, a bruise.

Cocky-LEEKY, a soup made of a cock, seasoned with leeks.

COGHLING and droghling, wheezing and blowing.

Coronach, a dirge.

Corrie, a mountain hollow.

Coup, fall.

Cow yer cracks, cut short your talk, hold your tongues.

Crack, boast.

Craig, the neck, the throat.

Crames, merchants’ shops, booths.

Cut-lugged, crop-eared.

Daft, foolish, mad, crazy.

DAUR, dare.

DEAVING, deafening.

Decreet, an order of decree.

Deliver, light, agile.

Dern, hidden, concealed, secret.

Ding, knock, beat, surpass.

Dingle, dinnle, tingle, vibrate with sound.

Doer, an agent, a manager.

Dog-head, the hammer of a gun.

DOILED, crazed, silly.

Doited, having the faculties impaired.

DORLACH, a bundle.

Dow, a dove.

DOWF, dowff, dull, spiritless.

DRAPPIE, a little drop, a small quantity of drink.

EFFEIR, what is becoming.

ENEUGH, enough.

Etter-cap, a spider, an ill-natured person.

Evite, avoid, escape.

EWEST, ewast, contiguous.

Fallow, a fellow.

FAULD, fold.

Feared, afraid.

Feck, a quantity.

FLEYT, frightened, shy.

Frae, from.

Gad, a goad, a rod.

Gane, gone; gang, go.

Gar, make.

Gate, way.

GAUN, going.

Gear, goods.

GHAIST, a ghost.

Gin, if.

Project Gutenberg
Waverley — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.