Tyke, a dog, a rough fellow.
UMQUHILE, formerly, late.
Unco, strange, very,
UNSONSY, unlucky.
Usquebaugh, whiskey.
VENY, venue, a bout.
Vivers, victuals.
WA’, wall
Wad, would.
Wadset, a deed conveying property to a creditor
Wain, a wagon; to remove.
WALISE, a portmanteau, saddlebags.
Wan, won.
WANCHANCY, unlucky.
Ware, spend.
Weel-fard, weel-faur’d, having a good appearance.
WEISING, inclining, directing.
Wha, who.
WHAR, where,
What for, why.
Wheen, a few.
While syne, a while ago.
Whiles, sometimes.
Whilk, which.
Whin, a few.
WHINGEING, whining.
Winna, will not.
WISKE, whisk.
Yate, gate.