Waverley — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 405 pages of information about Waverley — Volume 1.

Waverley — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 405 pages of information about Waverley — Volume 1.
as unyielding in adversity; any of these seemed congenial characters to this personage.  With these high traits of energy, there was something in the affected precision and solemnity of his deportment and discourse that bordered upon the ludicrous; so that, according to the mood of the spectator’s mind and the light under which Mr. Gilfillan presented himself, one might have feared, admired, or laughed at him.  His dress was that of a West-Country peasant, of better materials indeed than that of the lower rank, but in no respect affecting either the mode of the age or of the Scottish gentry at any period.  His arms were a broadsword and pistols, which, from the antiquity of their appearance, might have seen the rout of Pentland or Bothwell Brigg.

As he came up a few steps to meet Major Melville, and touched solemnly, but slightly, his huge and over-brimmed blue bonnet, in answer to the Major, who had courteously raised a small triangular gold-laced hat, Waverley was irresistibly impressed with the idea that he beheld a leader of the Roundheads of yore in conference with one of Marlborough’s captains.

The group of about thirty armed men who followed this gifted commander was of a motley description.  They were in ordinary Lowland dresses, of different colours, which, contrasted with the arms they bore, gave them an irregular and mobbish appearance; so much is the eye accustomed to connect uniformity of dress with the military character.  In front were a few who apparently partook of their leader’s enthusiasm, men obviously to be feared in a combat, where their natural courage was exalted by religious zeal.  Others puffed and strutted, filled with the importance of carrying arms and all the novelty of their situation, while the rest, apparently fatigued with their march, dragged their limbs listlessly along, or straggled from their companions to procure such refreshments as the neighbouring cottages and alehouses afforded.  Six grenadiers of Ligonier’s, thought the Major to himself, as his mind reverted to his own military experience, would have sent all these fellows to the right about.

Greeting, however, Mr. Gilfillan civilly, he requested to know if he had received the letter he had sent to him upon his march, and could undertake the charge of the state prisoner whom he there mentioned as far as Stirling Castle.  ‘Yea,’ was the concise reply of the Cameronian leader, in a voice which seemed to issue from the very penetralia of his person.

‘But your escort, Mr. Gilfillan, is not so strong as I expected,’ said Major Melville.

‘Some of the people,’ replied Gilfillan, ’hungered and were athirst by the way, and tarried until their poor souls were refreshed with the word.’

‘I am sorry, sir,’ replied the Major, ’you did not trust to your refreshing your men at Cairnvreckan; whatever my house contains is at the command of persons employed in the service.’

‘It was not of creature-comforts I spake,’ answered the Covenanter, regarding Major Melville with something like a smile of contempt; ’howbeit, I thank you; but the people remained waiting upon the precious Mr. Jabesh Rentowel for the out-pouring of the afternoon exhortation.’

Project Gutenberg
Waverley — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.