On Picket Duty, and Other Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 120 pages of information about On Picket Duty, and Other Tales.
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On Picket Duty, and Other Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 120 pages of information about On Picket Duty, and Other Tales.

So I wrote the letter which he dictated, finding it better than any I had sent; for, though here and there a little ungrammatical or inelegant, each sentence came to me briefly worded, but most expressive; full of excellent counsel to the boy, tenderly “bequeathing mother and Lizzie” to his care, and bidding him good-by in words the sadder for their simplicity.  He added a few lines with steady hand, and, as I sealed it, said, with a patient sort of sigh, “I hope the answer will come in time for me to see it;” then, turning away his face, laid the flowers against his lips, as if to hide some quiver of emotion at the thought of such a sudden sundering of all the dear home-ties.

These things had happened two days before; now John was dying, and the letter had not come.  I had been summoned to many death-beds in my life, but to none that made my heart ache as it did then, since my mother called me to watch the departure of a spirit akin to this in its gentleness and patient strength.  As I went in, John stretched out both hands,—­

“I knew you’d come!  I guess I’m moving on, ma’am.”

He was; and so rapidly that, even while he spoke, over his face I saw the gray veil falling that no human hand can lift.  I sat down by him, wiped the drops from his forehead, stirred the air about him with the slow wave of a fan, and waited to help him die.  He stood in sore need of help,—­and I could do so little; for, as the doctor had foretold, the strong body rebelled against death, and fought every inch of the way, forcing him to draw each breath with a spasm, and clench his hands with an imploring look, as if he asked, “How long must I endure this, and be still?” For hours he suffered dumbly, without a moment’s respite, or a moment’s murmuring; his limbs grew cold, his face damp, his lips white, and, again and again, he tore the covering off his breast, as if the lightest weight added to his agony; yet through it all, his eyes never lost their perfect serenity, and the man’s soul seemed to sit therein, undaunted by the ills that vexed his flesh.

One by one the men woke, and round the room appeared a circle of pale faces and watchful eyes, full of awe and pity; for, though a stranger, John was beloved by all.  Each man there had wondered at his patience, respected his piety, admired his fortitude, and now lamented his hard death; for the influence of an upright nature had made itself deeply felt, even in one little week.  Presently, the Jonathan who so loved this comely David came creeping from his bed for a last look and word.  The kind soul was full of trouble, as the choke in his voice, the grasp of his hand betrayed; but there were no tears, and the farewell of the friends was the more touching for its brevity.

“Old boy, how are you?” faltered the one.

“Most through, thank heaven!” whispered the other.

“Can I say or do anything for you anywheres?”

“Take my things home, and tell them that I did my best.”

Project Gutenberg
On Picket Duty, and Other Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.