Love, the Fiddler eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about Love, the Fiddler.

Love, the Fiddler eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about Love, the Fiddler.

“I could ask for nothing better,” I said, “though I don’t want to make myself a burden to you.  And then,” I went on, a little uncertain how best to express myself, “you are so queer in England about—­about——­”

“Proprieties,” she said, giving the word which I hesitated to use.  “Oh, yes!  I suppose I oughtn’t to; indeed, it’s awful, and there’ll be lunch too, Fyles, which makes it twice as bad.  But to-day I’m going to be American and do just what I like.”

“I thought I ought to mention it,” I said.

“Objection overruled,” she returned.  “That’s what they used to say in court when my father had his famous right-of-way case with Lord Piffle of Doom; and from what I remember there didn’t seem any repartee to it.”

“There certainly isn’t one from me,” I said.

“Let’s go,” she said.

There didn’t seem any end to that park, and we walked and walked and rested once or twice under the deep shade, and took in a mouldy pavilion in white marble with broken windows, and a Temple of Love that dated back to the sixteenth century, and rowed on an ornamental water in a real gondola that leaked like sixty, and landed on a rushy island where there was a sun-dial and a stone seat that the Druids or somebody had considerately placed there in the year one, and talked of course, and grew confidential, until finally I was calling her Verna (which was her pet name) and telling her how the other fellow had married my best girl, while she spoke most beautifully and sensibly about love, and the way the old families were dying out because they had set greater store on their lands than on their hearts, and altogether with what she said and what I said, and what was understood, we passed from acquaintance to friendship, and from friendship to the verge of something even nearer.  Even the Uncle Tom hound fell under the spell of our new-found intimacy and condescended to lick my hand of his own volition, which Verna said he had never done before except to the butcher, and winked a bloodshot eye when I remarked he was too big for the island and ought to go back with me to a country nearer his size.

By the time we had reached the cliffs and began to perceive the high grey walls of the castle in the distance, Verna and I were faster friends than ever, and anyone seeing us together would have thought we had known each other all our lives.  I felt more and more happy to think I had met her first in this unconventional way, for as the castle loomed up closer and we passed gardeners and keepers and jockeys with a string of race-horses out for exercise, I felt that my pretty companion was constrained by the sight of these obsequious faces and changing by gradations into what she really was, the daughter of the castle and by right of blood one of the great ladies of the countryside.

Project Gutenberg
Love, the Fiddler from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.