US Presidential Inaugural Addresses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 452 pages of information about US Presidential Inaugural Addresses.

US Presidential Inaugural Addresses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 452 pages of information about US Presidential Inaugural Addresses.

In our own lives, let each of us ask—­not just what will government do for me, but what can I do for myself?

In the challenges we face together, let each of us ask—­not just how can government help, but how can I help?

Your National Government has a great and vital role to play.  And I pledge to you that where this Government should act, we will act boldly and we will lead boldly.  But just as important is the role that each and every one of us must play, as an individual and as a member of his own community.

From this day forward, let each of us make a solemn commitment in his own heart:  to bear his responsibility, to do his part, to live his ideals—­so that together, we can see the dawn of a new age of progress for America, and together, as we celebrate our 200th anniversary as a nation, we can do so proud in the fulfillment of our promise to ourselves and to the world.

As America’s longest and most difficult war comes to an end, let us again learn to debate our differences with civility and decency.  And let each of us reach out for that one precious quality government cannot provide—­a new level of respect for the rights and feelings of one another, a new level of respect for the individual human dignity which is the cherished birthright of every American.

Above all else, the time has come for us to renew our faith in ourselves and in America.

In recent years, that faith has been challenged.

Our children have been taught to be ashamed of their country, ashamed of their parents, ashamed of America’s record at home and of its role in the world.

At every turn, we have been beset by those who find everything wrong with America and little that is right.  But I am confident that this will not be the judgment of history on these remarkable times in which we are privileged to live.

America’s record in this century has been unparalleled in the world’s history for its responsibility, for its generosity, for its creativity and for its progress.

Let us be proud that our system has produced and provided more freedom and more abundance, more widely shared, than any other system in the history of the world.

Let us be proud that in each of the four wars in which we have been engaged in this century, including the one we are now bringing to an end, we have fought not for our selfish advantage, but to help others resist aggression.

Let us be proud that by our bold, new initiatives, and by our steadfastness for peace with honor, we have made a break-through toward creating in the world what the world has not known before—­a structure of peace that can last, not merely for our time, but for generations to come.

We are embarking here today on an era that presents challenges great as those any nation, or any generation, has ever faced.

We shall answer to God, to history, and to our conscience for the way in which we use these years.

Project Gutenberg
US Presidential Inaugural Addresses from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.