925 s And as the French we conquer’d once,
Now give us Laws
for pantaloons, &c.
Pantaloons and Port-Cannons were some of the fantastick
fashions wherein we aped the French.
At quisquis Insula satus Britannica
Sic patria insolens fastidiet suam,
Ut more simiae laboret fingere,
Et aemulari Gallicas ineptias,
Et omni Gallo ego hunc opinor ebrium;
Ergo ex Britanno, ut Gallus esse nititur,
Sic Dii jubete, fiat ex Galle Capus.
Thomas more.
Gallus is a river in Phrygia; rising out of the mountains of Celenae, and discharging itself into the river Sanger, the water of which is of that admirable quality, that, being moderately drank, it purges the brain, and cures madness; but largely drank, it makes men frantick. Pliny, Horatius.
1123 t A learned divine in King James’s time wrote a polemick work against the Pope, and gave it that unlucky nick-name of The Pope’s Bull baited.
1166 u Canonical Cravat, &c.] Smectymnuus was a club of five parlimentary holders-forth; the characters of whose names and talents were by themselves expressed in that senseless and insignificant word. They wore handkerchiefs about their necks for a mark of distinction (as the Officers of the Parliament Army then did) which afterwards degenerated into carnal cravats. About the beginning of the long Parliament, in the year 1641, these five wrote a book against Episcopacy and the Common Prayer, to which they all subscribed their names; being Stephen Marshal, Edmund Calamy, Thomas Young, Matthew Newcomen, and William Spurstow, and from thence they and their followers were called Smectymnians. They are remarkable for another pious book, which they wrote some time after that, intitled, The Kings Cabinet unlocked, wherein all the chaste and endearing expressions, in the letters that passed betwixt his Majesty King Charles I. and his Royal Consort are by these painful labourers in the Devil’s vineyard turned into burlesque and ridicule. Their books were answered with as much calmness and genteelness of expression, and as much learning and honesty, b. the Rev. Mr. Symonds, then a deprived clergyman, as theirs was stuffed with malice, spleen, and rascally invectives.
1249 x So Cardinals they say do grope
At t’other
end the new-made Pope.
This relates to the story of Pope Joan, who was called
John VIII. Platina saith she was of English extraction,
but born at Mentz; who, having disguised herself like
a man, travelled with her paramour to Athens, where
she made such progress in learning, that coming to
Rome, she met with few that could equal her; so that,
on the death of Pope Leo IV. she was chosen to succeed
him; but being got with child by one of her domesticks,
her travail came upon her between the Colossian Theatre
and St. Clement’s, as she was going to the Lateran
Church, and died upon the place, having sat two years,
one month, and four days, and was buried there without