Hit CERDON such a bang, as stunn’d 685
And laid him flat upon the ground.
At this the Knight began to chear up,
And, raising up himself on stirrup,
Cry’d out, Victoria! Lie thou there,
And I shall straight dispatch another, 690
To bear thee company in death:
But first I’ll halt a while, and breath:
As well he might; for ORSIN, griev’d
At th’ wound that CERDON had receiv’d,
Ran to relieve him with his lore, 695
And cure the hurt he gave before.
Mean while the Knight had wheel’d about,
To breathe himself, and next find out
Th’ advantage of the ground, where best
He might the ruffled foe infest. 700
This b’ing resolv’d, he spurr’d his steed,
To run at ORSIN with full speed,
While he was busy in the care
Of CERDON’S wound, and unaware:
But he was quick, and had already 705
Unto the part apply’d remedy:
And, seeing th’ enemy prepar’d,
Drew up, and stood upon his guard.
Then, like a warrior right expert
And skilful in the martial art, 710
The subtle Knight straight made a halt,
And judg’d it best to stay th’ assault,
Until he had reliev’d the Squire,
And then in order to retire;
Or, as occasion should invite, 715
With forces join’d renew the fight.
Ralpho, by this time disentranc’d,
Upon his bum himself advanc’d,
Though sorely bruis’d; his limbs all o’er
With ruthless bangs were stiff and sore. 720
Right fain he would have got upon
His feet again, to get him gone;
When Hudibras to aid him came:
Quoth he (and call’d him by his name,)
Courage! the day at length is ours;
And we once more, as conquerors,
Have both the field and honour won:
The foe is profligate, and run.
I mean all such as can; for some
This hand hath sent to their long home;
And some lie sprawling on the ground,
With many a gash and bloody wound.
Caesar himself could never say
He got two victories in a day,
As I have done, that can say, Twice I
In one day, Veni, Vidi, Vici.
The foe’s so numerous, that we
Cannot so often vincere
As they perire, and yet enow
Be left to strike an after-blow;
Then, lest they rally, and once more
Put us to fight the bus’ness o’er,
Get up, and mount thy steed: Dispatch,
And let us both their motions watch.