Just like the dragon’s teeth b’ing sown.
Then was the Cause of gold and plate,
The Brethren’s off’rings, consecrate, 575
Like th’ Hebrew calf, and down before it
The Saints fell prostrate, to adore it
So say the wicked — and will you
Make that sarcasmus scandal true,
By running after dogs and bears? 580
Beasts more unclean than calves or steers.
Have pow’rful Preachers ply’d their tongues,
And laid themselves out and their lungs;
Us’d all means, both direct and sinister,
I’ th’ pow’r of Gospel-preaching Minister? 585
Have they invented tones to win
The women, and make them draw in
The men, as Indians with a female
Tame elephant inveigle the male?
Have they told Prov’dence what it must do, 590
Whom to avoid, and whom to trust to?
Discover’d th’ enemy’s design,
And which way best to countermine?
Prescrib’d what ways it hath to work,
Or it will ne’er advance the Kirk? 595
Told it the news o’ th’ last express,
And after good or bad success,
Made prayers, not so like petitions,
As overtures and propositions,
(Such as the army did present 600
To their creator, th’ Parliament,)
In which they freely will confess
They will not, cannot acquiesce,
Unless the work be carry’d on
In the same way they have begun, 605
By setting Church and Common-weal
All on a flame, bright as their zeal,
On which the Saints were all a-gog,
And all this for a bear and dog?
The parliament drew up petitions 610
To itself, and sent them, like commissions,
To well-affected persons down,
In ev’ry city and great town,
With pow’r to levy horse and men,
Only to bring them back agen: 615
For this did many, many a mile,
Ride manfully in rank and file,
With papers in their hats, that show’d
As if they to the pillory rode.
Have all these courses, these efforts, 620
Been try’d by people of all sorts,
Velis & remis, omnibus nervis
And all t’advance the Cause’s service?
And shall all now be thrown, away
In petulant intestine fray? 625
Shall we that in the Cov’nant swore,
Each man of us to run before
Another, still in Reformation,
Give dogs and bears a dispensation?
How will Dissenting Brethren relish it? 630
What will malignants say? videlicet,
That each man Swore to do his best,
To damn and perjure all the rest!
And bid the Devil take the hin’most,
Which at this race is like to win most. 635
They’ll say our bus’ness, to reform
The Church and State, is but a worm;
For to subscribe, unsight, unseen,
Then was the Cause of gold and plate,
The Brethren’s off’rings, consecrate, 575
Like th’ Hebrew calf, and down before it
The Saints fell prostrate, to adore it
So say the wicked — and will you
Make that
By running after dogs and bears? 580
Beasts more unclean than calves or steers.
Have pow’rful Preachers ply’d their tongues,
And laid themselves out and their lungs;
Us’d all means, both direct and sinister,
I’ th’ pow’r of Gospel-preaching Minister? 585
Have they invented tones to win
The women, and make them draw in
The men, as Indians with a female
Tame elephant inveigle the male?
Have they told Prov’dence what it must do, 590
Whom to avoid, and whom to trust to?
Discover’d th’ enemy’s design,
And which way best to countermine?
Prescrib’d what ways it hath to work,
Or it will ne’er advance the Kirk? 595
Told it the news o’ th’ last express,
And after good or bad success,
Made prayers, not so like petitions,
As overtures and propositions,
(Such as the army did present 600
To their creator, th’ Parliament,)
In which they freely will confess
They will not, cannot acquiesce,
Unless the work be carry’d on
In the same way they have begun, 605
By setting Church and Common-weal
All on a flame, bright as their zeal,
On which the Saints were all a-gog,
And all this for a bear and dog?
The parliament drew up petitions 610
To itself, and sent them, like commissions,
To well-affected persons down,
In ev’ry city and great town,
With pow’r to levy horse and men,
Only to bring them back agen: 615
For this did many, many a mile,
Ride manfully in rank and file,
With papers in their hats, that show’d
As if they to the pillory rode.
Have all these courses, these efforts, 620
Been try’d by people of all sorts,
Velis & remis, omnibus nervis
And all t’advance the Cause’s service?
And shall all now be thrown, away
In petulant intestine fray? 625
Shall we that in the Cov’nant swore,
Each man of us to run before
Another, still in Reformation,
Give dogs and bears a dispensation?
How will Dissenting Brethren relish it? 630
What will malignants say? videlicet,
That each man Swore to do his best,
To damn and perjure all the rest!
And bid the Devil take the hin’most,
Which at this race is like to win most. 635
They’ll say our bus’ness, to reform
The Church and State, is but a worm;
For to subscribe, unsight, unseen,