Hudibras eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about Hudibras.

Hudibras eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about Hudibras.
Then, because quarrels still are seen
With oaths and swearings to begin,
Will seem a mere God-dam-me rant;
And we, that took it, and have fought,
As lewd as drunkards that fall out. 
For as we make war for the King
Against himself the self-same thing, 515
Some will not stick to swear we do
For God and for Religion too: 
For if bear-baiting we allow,
What good can Reformation do? 
The blood and treasure that’s laid out, 520
Is thrown away, and goes for nought. 
Are these the fruits o’ th’ PROTESTATION,
The Prototype of Reformation,
Which all the Saints, and some, since Martyrs,
Wore in their hats like wedding garters, 525
When ’twas resolv’d by either house
Six Members quarrel to espouse? 
Did they for this draw down the rabble,
With zeal and noises formidable,
And make all cries about the town 530
Join throats to cry the Bishops down? 
Who having round begirt the palace,
(As once a month they do the gallows,)
As members gave the sign about,
Set up their throats with hideous shout. 535
When tinkers bawl’d aloud to settle
Church discipline, for patching kettle: 
No sow-gelder did blow his horn
To geld a cat, but cry’d, Reform. 
The oyster-women lock’d their fish up, 540
And trudg’d away, to cry, No Bishop. 
The mouse-trap men laid save-alls by,
And ’gainst Ev’l Counsellors did cry. 
Botchers left old cloaths in the lurch,
And fell to turn and patch the Church. 545
Some cry’d the Covenant instead
Of pudding-pies and ginger-bread;
And some for brooms, old boots and shoes,
Bawl’d out to Purge the Commons House. 
Instead of kitchen-stuff, some cry, 550
A Gospel-preaching Ministry;
And some, for old suits, coats, or cloak,
No Surplices nor Service-Book. 
A strange harmonious inclination
Of all degrees to Reformation. 555
And is this all?  Is this the end
To which these carr’ings on did tend? 
Hath public faith, like a young heir,
For this ta’en up all sorts of ware,
And run int’ every tradesman’s book, 560
’Till both turn’d bankrupts, and are broke? 
Did Saints for this bring in their plate,
And crowd as if they came too late? 
For when they thought the Cause had need on’t,
Happy was he that could be rid on’t. 565
Did they coin piss-pots, bowls, and flaggons,
Int’ officers of horse and dragoons;
And into pikes and musquetteers
Stamp beakers, cups, and porringers! 
A thimble, bodkin, and a spoon, 570
Did start up living men as soon
As in the furnace they were thrown,
Project Gutenberg
Hudibras from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.