Hudibras eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about Hudibras.

Hudibras eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about Hudibras.

The gallant Bruin march’d next him,
With visage formidably grim, 250
And rugged as a Saracen,
Or Turk of Mahomet’s own kin;
Clad in a mantle della guerre
Of rough impenetrable fur;
And in his nose, like Indian King, 255
He wore, for ornament, a ring;
About his neck a threefold gorget. 
As rough as trebled leathern target;
Armed, as heralds cant, and langued;
Or, as the vulgar say, sharp-fanged. 260
For as the teeth in beasts of prey
Are swords, with which they fight in fray;
So swords, in men of war, are teeth,
Which they do eat their vittle with. 
He was by birth, some authors write, 265
A Russian; some, a Muscovite;
And ’mong the Cossacks had been bred; <>
Of whom we in diurnals read,
That serve to fill up pages here,
As with their bodies ditches there. 270
SCRIMANSKY was his cousin-german,
With whom he serv’d, and fed on vermin;
And when these fail’d, he’d suck his claws,
And quarter himself upon his paws. 
And tho’ his countrymen, the Huns,<> 275
Did stew their meat between their bums
And th’ horses backs o’er which they straddle,
And ev’ry man eat up his saddle;
He was not half so nice as they,
But eat it raw when ’t came in’s way. 280
He had trac’d countries far and near,
More than le Blanc, the traveller;
Who writes, he spous’d in India,
Of noble house, a lady gay,
And got on her a race of worthies, 285
As stout as any upon earth is. 
Full many a fight for him between
Talgol and ORSIN oft had been
Each striving to deserve the crown
Of a sav’d citizen; the one 290
To guard his bear; the other fought
To aid his dog; both made more stout
By sev’ral spurs of neighbourhood,
Church-fellow-membership, and blood
But Talgol, mortal foe to cows, 295
Never got aught of him but blows;
Blows, hard and heavy, such as he
Had lent, repaid with usury.

Yet Talgol was of courage stout,
And vanquish’d oft’ner than he fought:  300
Inur’d to labour, sweat and toil,
And like a champion shone with oil. 
Right many a widow his keen blade,. 
And many fatherless had made. 
He many a boar and huge dun-cow 305
Did, like another Guy, o’erthrow;
But Guy with him in fight compar’d,
Had like the boar or dun-cow far’d
With greater troops of sheep h’ had fought
Than Ajax or bold Don Quixote:  310
And many a serpent of fell kind,
With wings before and stings behind,
Subdu’d:  as poets say, long agone

Project Gutenberg
Hudibras from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.