Soland geese: Barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis)
Staffier: A footman
Stentrophonick: Loud, as from a megaphone
Stum: A mixture of wine and grape juice
Suggill’d: Beaten severely
Sui juris: Independently (L.)
Swound: A swoon
Synodical: Arising from or of the nature of a synod — a meeting of
bishops etc. of the Anglican Church
Tantundem dat tantidem: So much of that gives so much of this =
they are exactly the same (L.)
Tarsel: A male falcon
Theorbo: A kind of lute with two necks
Totidem verbis: In just as many words (L.)
Trapes: Tripes
Trepan: To trap
Trigon: A set of 3 signs of the Zodiac at 120-degree angles to each
Tussis pro crepitu: A cough for a fart (L.)
Velis & remis: By sail and oar (L.)
Veni, Vidi, Vici : I came, I saw, I conquered (L.)
Versal: Universal
Videlicet: That is, viz. (L.)
Vitiligation: Argument, quarrelling
Vizard: A mask or disguise
Welkin: The sky
Whiffler: A ceremonial guard who cleared the way for a mayor or
other official
Whinyard: A short sword
Ycleped: Named
Yerst: Erst, formerly
Staffier: A footman
Stentrophonick: Loud, as from a megaphone
Stum: A mixture of wine and grape juice
Suggill’d: Beaten severely
Sui juris: Independently (L.)
Swound: A swoon
Synodical: Arising from or of the nature of a synod — a meeting of
bishops etc. of the Anglican Church
Tantundem dat tantidem: So much of that gives so much of this =
they are exactly the same (L.)
Tarsel: A male falcon
Theorbo: A kind of lute with two necks
Totidem verbis: In just as many words (L.)
Trapes: Tripes
Trepan: To trap
Trigon: A set of 3 signs of the Zodiac at 120-degree angles to each
Tussis pro crepitu: A cough for a fart (L.)
Velis & remis: By sail and oar (L.)
Veni, Vidi, Vici : I came, I saw, I conquered (L.)
Versal: Universal
Videlicet: That is, viz. (L.)
Vitiligation: Argument, quarrelling
Vizard: A mask or disguise
Welkin: The sky
Whiffler: A ceremonial guard who cleared the way for a mayor or
other official
Whinyard: A short sword
Ycleped: Named
Yerst: Erst, formerly