romance harnessed
to take him to the moon
Genethliack: A caster of horoscopes
Geomancy: Divination by interpreting the patterns of lines drawn
at random on the ground or on paper.
Gleave: A spear or halberd
Granado: A grenade
Grilly’d: Grilled
Grincam: Syphilis
Guep: Go on! — said to a horse or as an expression of derision.
Habergeon: A chain-mail shirt
Haut-gousts: Tasty things
Headborough: A constable
Hiccius Doctius: A nonsense word used by jugglers, conjurers etc.,
hence, any kind of trick or dishonest dealing
Hight: Called, named
Hoccamore: Wine from Hochheim, in Germany
Horary: Hourly
Huckle: The hip
Hugonots: French Calvinists
Hypocondries: The upper abdomen, between the breastbone and
the navel
Id est: That is (L.)
Idem: The same (L.)
Illation: Inference, deduction
In eodem subjecto: Thrown together in the same place (L.)
In querpo: Naked
Jobbernol(e): A thick head or blockhead
Jure divino: By God’s law (L.)
Langued: Heraldic term meaning, with a tongue of a particular
colour e.g. langued gules — with a red tongue
Lathy: Thin, like a lath
Linsey-woolsey : A cloth of mixed wool and linen threads
Linstock: A stick for holding a gunner’s match
L’Ombre: A card game
Longees: Lunges
Lustrations: Ceremonials of ritual purification by washing
Mainprize: To stand surety for someone
Manicon: A plant (deadly nightshade) or its extract, believed to
cause insanity when taken
Manto: Mantua, a kind of woman’s loose gown
Martlet: A swallow or martin
Mazzard: The head
Meazle: A spot or pustule
Mira de lente: Wonderfully slow (L.)
Mordicus: With the teeth (L.)
Morpion: A crab-louse
Mundungus: Bad tobacco
Nare olfact: Nostril (L.)
Neat (noun): A calf or cow
Negatur: It is denied (L.)
Nimmer: A petty thief
Omnibus nervis: With every sinew (L.)
Oppugn: Attack or fight against
Orcades: The Orkneys
pacquet-male: Large wallet
Padder: A thief
Pari Libra: Equally (L.)
Pathic: Passively homosexual
Pernicion: Total ruin
Petronel: A short carbine or large pistol
Picqueer: Skirmish or quarrel
Pigsney: A term of endearment for a woman, “darling”
Plus satis: More than enough (L.)
Poesie: Poetry
Pullen: Poultry
Punese: A bed-bug
Pursy: Rich
Quarteridge: A tax or payment due quarterly
Quatenus: So far as (it is) (L.)
Quillets: Verbal points or quibbles
Rampiers: Ramparts
Rationalia: Thinking creatures (L.)
Rochet: A bishop’s white gown or surplice
Satis: Enough
Sault: Jump
Scire facias: To know the appearance of (L.)
Sedes Stercoraria: Filthier seat (L.)
Seisin: A token of ownership, formally handed over when property
is sold.
Shanker: A venereal sore, chancre
Slubberdegullion: A dirty, slovenly person
to take him to the moon
Genethliack: A caster of horoscopes
Geomancy: Divination by interpreting the patterns of lines drawn
at random on the ground or on paper.
Gleave: A spear or halberd
Granado: A grenade
Grilly’d: Grilled
Grincam: Syphilis
Guep: Go on! — said to a horse or as an expression of derision.
Habergeon: A chain-mail shirt
Haut-gousts: Tasty things
Headborough: A constable
Hiccius Doctius: A nonsense word used by jugglers, conjurers etc.,
hence, any kind of trick or dishonest dealing
Hight: Called, named
Hoccamore: Wine from Hochheim, in Germany
Horary: Hourly
Huckle: The hip
Hugonots: French Calvinists
Hypocondries: The upper abdomen, between the breastbone and
the navel
Id est: That is (L.)
Idem: The same (L.)
Illation: Inference, deduction
In eodem subjecto: Thrown together in the same place (L.)
In querpo: Naked
Jobbernol(e): A thick head or blockhead
Jure divino: By God’s law (L.)
Langued: Heraldic term meaning, with a tongue of a particular
colour e.g. langued gules — with a red tongue
Lathy: Thin, like a lath
Linsey-woolsey : A cloth of mixed wool and linen threads
Linstock: A stick for holding a gunner’s match
L’Ombre: A card game
Longees: Lunges
Lustrations: Ceremonials of ritual purification by washing
Mainprize: To stand surety for someone
Manicon: A plant (deadly nightshade) or its extract, believed to
cause insanity when taken
Manto: Mantua, a kind of woman’s loose gown
Martlet: A swallow or martin
Mazzard: The head
Meazle: A spot or pustule
Mira de lente: Wonderfully slow (L.)
Mordicus: With the teeth (L.)
Morpion: A crab-louse
Mundungus: Bad tobacco
Nare olfact: Nostril (L.)
Neat (noun): A calf or cow
Negatur: It is denied (L.)
Nimmer: A petty thief
Omnibus nervis: With every sinew (L.)
Oppugn: Attack or fight against
Orcades: The Orkneys
pacquet-male: Large wallet
Padder: A thief
Pari Libra: Equally (L.)
Pathic: Passively homosexual
Pernicion: Total ruin
Petronel: A short carbine or large pistol
Picqueer: Skirmish or quarrel
Pigsney: A term of endearment for a woman, “darling”
Plus satis: More than enough (L.)
Poesie: Poetry
Pullen: Poultry
Punese: A bed-bug
Pursy: Rich
Quarteridge: A tax or payment due quarterly
Quatenus: So far as (it is) (L.)
Quillets: Verbal points or quibbles
Rampiers: Ramparts
Rationalia: Thinking creatures (L.)
Rochet: A bishop’s white gown or surplice
Satis: Enough
Sault: Jump
Scire facias: To know the appearance of (L.)
Sedes Stercoraria: Filthier seat (L.)
Seisin: A token of ownership, formally handed over when property
is sold.
Shanker: A venereal sore, chancre
Slubberdegullion: A dirty, slovenly person