Hudibras eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about Hudibras.

Hudibras eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about Hudibras.
romance harnessed
to take him to the moon
Genethliack:  A caster of horoscopes
Geomancy:  Divination by interpreting the patterns of lines drawn
at random on the ground or on paper. 
Gleave:  A spear or halberd
Granado:  A grenade
Grilly’d:  Grilled
Grincam:  Syphilis
Guep:  Go on! —­ said to a horse or as an expression of derision. 
Habergeon:  A chain-mail shirt
Haut-gousts:  Tasty things
Headborough:  A constable
Hiccius Doctius:  A nonsense word used by jugglers, conjurers etc.,
hence, any kind of trick or dishonest dealing
Hight:  Called, named
Hoccamore:  Wine from Hochheim, in Germany
Horary:  Hourly
Huckle:  The hip
Hugonots:  French Calvinists
Hypocondries:  The upper abdomen, between the breastbone and
the navel
Id est:  That is (L.)
Idem:  The same (L.)
Illation:  Inference, deduction
In eodem subjecto:  Thrown together in the same place (L.)
In querpo:  Naked
Jobbernol(e):  A thick head or blockhead
Jure divino:  By God’s law (L.)
Langued:  Heraldic term meaning, with a tongue of a particular
colour e.g. langued gules — with a red tongue
Lathy:  Thin, like a lath
Linsey-woolsey :  A cloth of mixed wool and linen threads
Linstock:  A stick for holding a gunner’s match
L’Ombre:  A card game
Longees:  Lunges
Lustrations:  Ceremonials of ritual purification by washing
Mainprize:  To stand surety for someone
Manicon:  A plant (deadly nightshade) or its extract, believed to
cause insanity when taken
Manto:  Mantua, a kind of woman’s loose gown
Martlet:  A swallow or martin
Mazzard:  The head
Meazle:  A spot or pustule
Mira de lente:  Wonderfully slow (L.)
Mordicus:  With the teeth (L.)
Morpion:  A crab-louse
Mundungus:  Bad tobacco
Nare olfact:  Nostril (L.)
Neat (noun):  A calf or cow
Negatur:  It is denied (L.)
Nimmer:  A petty thief
Omnibus nervis:  With every sinew (L.)
Oppugn:  Attack or fight against
Orcades:  The Orkneys
pacquet-male:  Large wallet
Padder:  A thief
Pari Libra:  Equally (L.)
Pathic:  Passively homosexual
Pernicion:  Total ruin
Petronel:  A short carbine or large pistol
Picqueer:  Skirmish or quarrel
Pigsney:  A term of endearment for a woman, “darling”
Plus satis:  More than enough (L.)
Poesie:  Poetry
Pullen:  Poultry
Punese:  A bed-bug
Pursy:  Rich
Quarteridge:  A tax or payment due quarterly
Quatenus:  So far as (it is) (L.)
Quillets:  Verbal points or quibbles
Rampiers:  Ramparts
Rationalia:  Thinking creatures (L.)
Rochet:  A bishop’s white gown or surplice
Satis:  Enough
Sault:  Jump
Scire facias:  To know the appearance of (L.)
Sedes Stercoraria:  Filthier seat (L.)
Seisin:  A token of ownership, formally handed over when property
is sold. 
Shanker:  A venereal sore, chancre
Slubberdegullion:  A dirty, slovenly person
Project Gutenberg
Hudibras from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.