He’s in his calling to be seen;
Disperse the dung on barren earth,
To bring new weeds of discord forth;
Be sure to keep up congregations,
In spight of laws and proclamations: 970
For Charlatans can do no good
Until they’re mounted in a crowd;
And when they’re punish’d, all the hurt
Is but to fare the better for’t;
As long as confessors are sure 975
Of double pay for all th’ endure;
And what they earn in persecution,
Are paid t’ a groat in contribution.
Whence some Tub-Holders-forth have made
In powd’ring-tubs their richest trade; 980
And while they kept their shops in prison,
Have found their prices strangely risen.
Disdain to own the least regret
For all the Christian blood w’ have let;
’Twill save our credit, and maintain 985
Our title to do so again;
That needs not cost one dram of sense,
But pertinacious impudence.
Our constancy t’ our principles,
In time will wear out all things else; 990
Like marble statues rubb’d in pieces
With gallantry of pilgrims’ kisses;
While those who turn and wind their oaths,
Have swell’d and sunk, like other froths;
Prevail’d a while, but ’twas not long 995
Before from world to world they swung:
As they had turn’d from side to side,
And as the changelings liv’d, they dy’d.
This said, th’ impatient States-monger
Could now contain himself no longer;
Who had not spar’d to shew his piques
Against th’ haranguer’s politicks,
With smart remarks of leering faces,
And annotations of grimaces.
After h’ had administer’d a dose
Of snuff-mundungus to his nose,
And powder’d th’ inside of his skull,
Instead of th’ outward jobbernol,
He shook it with a scornful look
On th’ adversary, and thus he spoke:
In dressing a calves head, although
The tongue and brains together go,
Both keep so great a distance here,
’Tis strange if ever they come near;
For who did ever play his gambols
With such insufferable rambles
To make the bringing in the king,
And keeping of him out, one thing?
Which none could do, but those that swore
T’ as point-plank nonsense heretofore:
That to defend, was to invade;
And to assassinate, to aid
Unless, because you drove him out,
(And that was never made a doubt,)
No pow’r is able to restore,
And bring him in, but on your score
A spiritual doctrine, that conduces
Most properly to all your uses.
’Tis true, a scorpions oil is said
To cure the wounds the vermine made;