Instead of Kings and mighty men? 700
When fiends agree among themselves,
Shall they be found the greatest elves?
When BELL’s at union with the dragon,
And Baal-PEOR friends with Dagon,
When savage bears agree with bears, 705
Shall secret ones lug Saints by th’ ears,
And not atone their fatal wrath,
When common danger threatens both?
Shall mastiffs, by the coller pull’d,
Engag’d with bulls, let go their hold, 710
And Saints, whose necks are pawn’d at stake,
No notice of the danger take?
But though no pow’r of Heav’n or Hell
Can pacify phanatick zeal,
Who wou’d not guess there might be hopes, 715
The fear of gallowses and ropes,
Before their eyes, might reconcile
Their animosities a while;
At least until th’ had a clear stage,
And equal freedom to engage, 720
Without the danger of surprize
By both our common enemies?
This none but we alone cou’d doubt,
Who understand their workings out;
And know them, both in soul and conscience,
Giv’n up t’ as reprobate a nonsense
As spiritual out-laws, whom the pow’r
Of miracle can ne’er restore
We, whom at first they set up under,
In revelation only of plunder,
Who since have had so many trials
Of their encroaching self-denials,
That rook’d upon us with design
To out-reform, and undermine;
Took all our interest and commands
Perfidiously out of our hands;
Involv’d us in the guilt of blood
Without the motive gains allow’d,
And made us serve as ministerial,
Like younger Sons of Father Belial;
And yet, for all th’ inhuman wrong
Th’ had done us and the Cause so long,
We never fail to carry on
The work still as we had begun;
But true and faithfully obey’d
And neither preach’d them hurt, nor pray’d;
Nor troubled them to crop our ears,
Nor hang us like the cavaliers;
Nor put them to the charge of gaols,
To find us pill’ries and cart’s-tails,
Or hangman’s wages, which the State
Was forc’d (before them) to be at,
That cut, like tallies, to the stumps,
Our ears for keeping true accompts,
And burnt our vessels, like a new
Seal’d peck, or bushel, for b’ing true;
But hand in hand, like faithful brothers,
Held for the Cause against all others,
Disdaining equally to yield
One syllable of what we held,
And though we differ’d now and then
’Bout outward things, and outward men,
Our inward men, and constant frame
Of spirit, still were near the same;