Others were for abolishing
That tool of matrimony, a ring,
With which th’ unsanctify’d bridegroom 305
Is marry’d only to a thumb;
(As wise as ringing of a pig,
That us’d to break up ground, and dig;)
The bride to nothing but her will,
That nulls the after-marriage still 310
Some were for th’ utter extirpation
Of linsey-woolsey in the nation;
And some against all idolizing
The Cross in shops-books, or Baptizing
Others to make all things recant 315
The Christian or Surname of Saint;
And force all churches, streets, and towns,
The holy title to renounce.
Some ’gainst a Third Estate of Souls,
And bringing down the price of coals: 320
Some for abolishing black-pudding,
And eating nothing with the blood in;
To abrogate them roots and branches;
While others were for eating haunches
Of warriors, and now and then, 325
The flesh of Kings and mighty men
And some for breaking of their bones
With rods of ir’n, by secret ones:
For thrashing mountains, and with spells
For hallowing carriers’ packs and bells: 330
Things that the legend never heard of,
But made the wicked sore afear’d of.
The quacks of Government (who sate
At th’ unregarded helm of State,
And understood this wild confusion
Of fatal madness and delusion,
Must, sooner than a prodigy,
Portend destruction to be nigh)
Consider’d timely how t’ withdraw,
And save their wind-pipes from the law;
For one rencounter at the bar
Was worse than all th’ had ’scap’d
in war;
And therefore met in consultation
To cant and quack upon the nation;
Not for the sickly patient’s sake,
For what to give, but what to take;
To feel the pulses of their fees,
More wise than fumbling arteries:
Prolong the snuff of life in pain,
And from the grave recover — Gain.
’Mong these there was a politician
With more heads than a beast in vision,
And more intrigues in ev’ry one
Than all the whores of Babylon:
So politic, as if one eye
Upon the other were a spy,
That, to trepan the one to think
The other blind, both strove to blink;
And in his dark pragmatick way,
As busy as a child at play.
H’ had seen three Governments run down,
And had a hand in ev’ry one;
Was for ’em and against ’em all,
But barb’rous when they came to fall
For, by trepanning th’ old to ruin,
He made his int’rest with the new one
Play’d true and faithful, though against
His conscience, and was still advanc’d.