Hudibras eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about Hudibras.

Hudibras eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 333 pages of information about Hudibras.

Whachum, (quoth he), look yonder, some
To try or use our art are come 490
The one’s the learned Knight:  seek out,
And pump ’em what they come about. 
Whachum advanc’d, with all submissness,
T’ accost em, but much more their bus’ness. 
He held a stirrup, while the Knight 495
From leathern bare-bones did alight
And taking from his hand the bridle,
Approach’d the dark Squire to unriddle. 
He gave him first the time o’ th’ day,
And welcom’d him, as he might say:  500
He ask’d him whence he came, and whither
Their bus’ness lay?  Quoth Ralpho, Hither. 
Did you not lose?  Quoth Ralpho, Nay. 
Quoth Whachum, Sir, I meant your way! 
Your Knight —­ Quoth Ralpho, Is a lover, 505
And pains intolerable doth suffer: 
For lovers’ hearts are not their own hearts,
Nor lights, nor lungs, and so forth downwards. 
What time, (quoth Ralpho), Sir? —­ Too long
Three years it off and on has hung. —­ 510
Quoth he, I meant what time o’the day ’tis. —­
Quoth Ralpho, Between seven and eight ’tis. 
Why then, (quoth Whachum) my small art
Tells me, the dame has a hard heart,
Or great estate. —­ Quoth Ralph, A jointer, 515
Which makes him have so hot a mind t’her. 
Mean while the Knight was making water,
Before he fell upon the matter;
Which having done, the Wizard steps in,
To give him suitable reception 520
But kept his bus’ness at a bay
Till Whachum put him in the way;
Who having now, by RALPHO’s light. 
Expounded th’ errand of the Knight,
And what he came to know, drew near, 525
To whisper in the Conj’rer’s ear,
Which he prevented thus:  What was’t,
Quoth he, that I was saying last,
Before these gentlemen arriv’d? 
Quoth Whachum, Venus you retriev’d, 530
In opposition with Mars,
And no benigne friendly stars
T’ allay the effect. —­ Quoth Wizard, So
In Virgo?  Ha! —­ Quoth Whachum, No. 
Has Saturn nothing to do in it? 535
One-tenth of’s circle to a minute. 
’Tis well, quoth he. —­ Sir, you’ll excuse
This rudeness I am forc’d to use
It is a scheme and face of Heaven,
As the aspects are dispos’d this even, 540
I was contemplating upon
When you arriv’d; but now I’ve done,

Quoth Hudibras, If I appear
Unseasonable in coming here
At such a tone, to interrupt, 545
Your speculations, which I hop’d
Assistance from, and come to use,
’T is fit that I ask your excuse. 
By no means, Sir, quoth Sidrophel;
The stars your coming did foretel:  550
I did expect you here, and knew,
Before you spake, your bus’ness too.

Project Gutenberg
Hudibras from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.