What med’cine ’twas that Paracelsus
Could make a man with, as he tells us; 300
What figur’d slates are best to make
On watry surface duck or drake;
What bowling-stones, in running race
Upon a board, have swiftest pace;
Whether a pulse beat in the black 305
List of a dappled louse’s back;
If systole or diastole move
Quickest when he’s in wrath or love
When two of them do run a race,
Whether they gallop, trot, or pace: 310
How many scores a flea will jump,
Of his own length, from head to rump;
In vain, assay’d so long agon;
Whether his snout a perfect nose is, 315
And not an elephant’s proboscis
How many diff’rent specieses
Of maggots breed in rotten cheese
And which are next of kin to those
Engender’d in a chandler’s nose; 320
Or those not seen, but understood,
That live in vinegar and wood.
A paultry wretch he had, half-starv’d,
That him in place of Zany serv’d.
Hight Whachum, bred to dash and draw,
Not wine, but more unwholesome law
To make ’twixt words and lines huge gaps,
Wide as meridians in maps;
To squander paper, and spare ink,
And cheat men of their words, some think.
From this, by merited degrees,
He’d to more high advancement rise;
To be an under-conjurer,
A journeyman astrologer.
His business was to pump and wheedle,
And men with their own keys unriddle;
And make them to themselves give answers,
For which they pay the necromancers;
To fetch and carry intelligence,
Of whom, and what, and where, and whence,
And all discoveries disperse
Among th’ whole pack of conjurers
What cut-purses have left with them
For the right owners to redeem;
And what they dare not vent find out,
To gain themselves and th’ art repute;
Draw figures, schemes, and horoscopes,
Of Newgate, Bridewell, brokers’ shops,
Of thieves ascendant in the cart;
And find out all by rules of art;
Which way a serving-man, that’s run
With cloaths or money away, is gone:
Who pick’d a fob at holding forth;
And where a watch, for half the worth,
May be redeem’d; or stolen plate
Restor’d at conscionable rate.
Beside all this, he serv’d his master
In quality of poetaster;
And rhimes appropriate could make
To ev’ry month i’ th almanack
What terms begin and end could tell,
With their returns, in doggerel;
When the exchequer opes and shuts,
And sowgelder with safety cuts