A Knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about A Knight of the White Cross .

A Knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about A Knight of the White Cross .

On the day that this took place Dame Tresham arrived in London with her son.  The queen had found that she could not for the present cross, as she was waiting for a large French force which was to accompany her.  As it was uncertain how long the delay might last, she counselled her friend to join her husband.  The revolution had been accomplished without the loss of a single life, with the exception of that of the Earl of Worcester, who was hated for his cruelty by the people.  Edward’s principal friends took refuge in various religious houses.  The queen, her three daughters, and her mother, fled to the sanctuary at Westminster.  All these were left unmolested, nor was any step taken against the other adherents of the House of York.  Warwick was now virtually King of England.  The king, whose intellect had always been weak, was now almost an imbecile, and Margaret of Anjou was still detained in France.  Sir Thomas Tresham went down to his estates in Kent, and there lived quietly for some months.  The Duke of Clarence had joined Warwick as soon as he saw that his brother’s cause was lost; and as the Duke had no knowledge of his changed feelings towards him, he was heartily welcomed.  An act of settlement was passed by Parliament entailing the Crown on Henry’s son Edward, Prince of Wales, and in case of that prince’s death without issue, on the Duke of Clarence.  On the 12th of March following (1471) Edward suddenly appeared with a fleet with which he had been secretly supplied by the Duke of Burgundy, and, sailing north, landed in the Humber.  He found the northern population by no means disposed to aid him, but upon his taking a solemn oath that he had no designs whatever upon the throne, but simply claimed to be restored to his rights and dignities as Duke of York, he was joined by a sufficient force to enable him to cross the Trent.  As he marched south his army speedily swelled, and he was joined by many great lords.

Warwick had summoned Henry’s adherents to the field, and marched north to meet him.  When the armies approached each other, the Duke of Clarence, who commanded a portion of Henry’s army, went over with his whole force to Edward, and Warwick, being no longer in a position to give battle, was obliged to draw off and allow Edward to march unopposed towards London.  The citizens, with their usual fickleness, received him with the same outburst of enthusiasm with which, five months before, they had greeted the entry of Warwick.  The unfortunate King Henry was again thrown into his dungeon in the Tower, and Edward found himself once more King of England.

Project Gutenberg
A Knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.