A Knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about A Knight of the White Cross .

A Knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about A Knight of the White Cross .
Sometimes they pretended that his mania, as they considered it, arose from the fact that he was determined to become a renegade, and was fitting himself for a high position in the Turkish army.  At other times they insisted that his intention was to become a Turkish dervish, or to win a great Turkish heiress and settle in Syria.  But as he always bore their banter good temperedly, and was ready occasionally to join them in the sport when assaults-at-arms were carried on, they soon became tired of making fun of him.

After nine months’ constant work, the young knight’s studies were abruptly stopped by the receipt of a letter from the Pasha of Syria, offering a considerable sum for the ransom of his instructor.  The request was at once acceded to, as it was the policy of the knights to accept ransoms for their prisoners, both because the sums so gained were useful, and because they were themselves compelled sometimes to pay ransom for members of the Order.  Suleiman Ali was, it was arranged, to be put on board an Egyptian craft bound for Acre, a safe conduct having been sent for the vessel and her crew, and for a knight, who was to receive the ransom from the pasha.

“At any rate, Sir Gervaise,” the Turk said, when the young knight expressed great regret at his leaving them, “our position as instructor and pupil would have come to an end shortly.  For the last three months there has been but little teaching between us; we have talked, and that has been all, save that for a short time each day you read and wrote.  But there has been little to teach.  You speak the native language now as fluently as I do, and would pass anywhere as a Syrian, especially as there are slight differences of speech in the various provinces.  I believe that in Syria you would not be suspected of being anything but a native, and assuredly you would be taken for a Syrian elsewhere.  You have learnt enough, and it would be but a waste of time for you, a knight and a soldier, to spend another day in study.”

On the following day Gervaise was, to his surprise, sent for by the grand master.  Except on the occasion of a few public ceremonies, he had not seen D’Aubusson since he had been elected to his present high dignity, and the summons to attend at the palace therefore came unexpectedly.

“We have become quite strangers, Tresham,” the grand master said cordially when he entered.  “I have not forgotten you, and have several times questioned your bailiff concerning you.  He tells me that you have become quite an anchorite, and that, save at your meals and for an occasional bout-at-arms, you are seldom to be seen.  I was glad to hear of your devotion to study, and thought it better to leave you undisturbed at it.  Yesterday evening I sent for your instructor.  He is a man of influence in Syria, and I wished to learn how he was affected towards us, now that he is about to return there.  We talked for some time, and I then

Project Gutenberg
A Knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.