Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about Won By the Sword .

Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about Won By the Sword .

“That is good, master.  We shall find it pretty cold before morning, and there is nothing like a good meal to warm one up again.”

“Did you get the bow and arrows at Chivasso?”

“Yes, sir.  I went out and bought them as soon as we got there.  I wanted them, I told the man, for a boy of ten years old, but all he had were a good deal too long, which I was glad of, for a child’s bow would hardly have been strong enough, so I made him cut one down until it was not more than three feet long.  That way I shall be able, as we agreed, to carry it under my doublet.  Of course it will make me walk stiffly, and there will be no possibility of sitting down, but that matters not at all.  It is all the stronger, and will send an arrow a good distance.  I have got six arrows as you ordered me.  They are regular arrows, but I made the man shorten them so as to suit the bow, and then repoint them.  I have got them inside my doublet.  I tied them together, made a hole in the lining under the arm, and put them in.”

“You have not forgotten the cord, I hope, Paolo?”

“Not I, master.  I should have deserved having my ears cut off if I had done so.”

They were in no hurry, and walked only fast enough to keep themselves warm.  In two hours and a half they arrived at the main road and turned to the right.  “Now we will go another couple of miles, Paolo, and then look out for a sleeping place.  An empty barn or stable or a stack of fodder is what we want.  We may as well sleep warm as cold.  We shall not want to be moving on till seven o’clock.”

After walking three miles they came upon a small village.

“Do you stay here, master, I will go round and see if I can find a place.  I am more accustomed to these villages than you are.”

In five minutes he returned.  “I have found a capital place,” he said.  “It is a stable, but it is empty.  No doubt the Spaniards have taken the horses, and are using them in their transport wagons.”

“It is enough for us that the place is empty, Paolo.”

The door stood ajar.  They entered and closed it behind them, and they then felt about until they found a pile of rough fodder.  They pulled some of this aside, lay down and covered themselves up with the stalks they had removed, and in three minutes were fast asleep, for they had had a long day’s work.  Hector slept until he was awakened by Paolo, who said, “The day is breaking, and the village will be astir in a few minutes.”  The weather had changed, and as they stepped out fine flakes of snow were drifting through the air, and the ground was already whitened.  They regained the road and walked along until they came to a wood.

“We may as well wait here and breakfast, Paolo.”  The parcel was opened and found to contain a cold capon and some bread, and on these and the wine they made a capital breakfast, each taking a long sip at the bottle to the health of the colonel.  “The market people are beginning to come along, and we may as well buy something from them going in.  If we have not something to sell it is not unlikely that we shall be asked questions.”  It was now broad daylight, and they saw several peasants pass along the road, some with baskets, others driving a pig or a goat.

Project Gutenberg
Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.