Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about Won By the Sword .

Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about Won By the Sword .

“Thank you, sir.”

The general shortly afterwards went out to wait upon the duchess; in two hours he returned, and as soon as he did so Hector entered his room.

“What is it?” Turenne asked.

“I have been thinking about what you said about the garrison of Turin.  I have been talking it over with Paolo, and have come to offer to do my best to deliver a letter from you to the garrison if you will do me the great honour to entrust the mission to me.  We both think that two boys would be much more likely to succeed than men.  No one would regard them with suspicion; and they could creep and crawl more easily.  I do not say that we should succeed, but I think that we should have some chance of doing so.  At any rate I am willing to try.”

“It would be a very dangerous expedition,” Turenne said gravely.

“Not more dangerous than going into a battle, viscount.  Not a quarter as dangerous as storming a breach.”

Turenne smiled.  “The idea has passed through my mind,” he said, “but I should not have proposed it had you not first spoken.  It is the sort of mission in which I thought you could be made useful, but it is a rough adventure to begin with, and you must not minimize the danger.  It is the duty of a soldier to run the risk of being killed in battle, but it lies beyond his duty to go into the enemy’s camp to obtain news.  He may volunteer for it, but with a knowledge that if detected he would assuredly be hanged.”

“I do not think, general, that the risk of detection would be great, but the risk of failure would be so.  If when we get there we can see no possible means of passing through the line of sentries, there would be nothing to do but to come back, and I own that in talking it over the thought that I might be obliged to return and to tell you that I had failed occupied a much larger portion of my thoughts than the risk of being detected.”

“But I shall not expect you to succeed, Campbell; the chances are a hundred to one against it.  I should be glad, however, to have the experiment tried once again, so that if the garrison capitulates before we arrive to its succour, I shall not be able to blame myself for not having made one more effort to induce them to hold out for another few weeks.  Have you thought of your plans?”

“Only so far, sir, that we shall dress up as two country boys, cross the Po, and enter the city from the other side.  After that we must be guided by circumstances and trust to good luck.  May I ask, general, if you have a plan of the city and fortress?”

“Yes; at least the duchess has one, which she has placed at my disposal.  I can send an officer to the palace to request her to let me have it.  No doubt it would be a great advantage to you to study the position beforehand.”

“Well, sir, we will see about getting our disguises at once.”

“I will give you an order on the paymaster for a hundred crowns for special service,” Turenne said.  “It is as well to be amply provided with money, as it may be necessary to buy fresh disguises or to bribe someone to conceal you;” and he drew an order on the treasury and handed it to Hector.

Project Gutenberg
Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.