Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about Won By the Sword .

Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about Won By the Sword .

As she passed Hector she stopped.  “Monsieur le Baron de la Villar,” she said in clear tones, which were heard all over the apartment, “much as I object to duelling, and determined as I am to enforce the edicts against it, I feel that in the encounter this morning you were in no way to blame, and that it was forced upon you.  It is scandalous that one who has so bravely shed his blood and risked his life in defence of France should be assailed in the capital, and for what reason?  Because he proved faithful to the queen and her minister.  You have punished the chief of the aggressors, and I shall know how to punish those who stood behind him;” and with a gracious bow in response to his deep reverence she moved on.

The little speech created a deep sensation among the courtiers.  That the queen herself should so publicly give her countenance to this young Scottish gentleman, and should —­ for no one doubted to whom she alluded —­ even threaten one of the most powerful nobles in the land, showed how strongly she felt.  No one, with the exception of half a dozen persons, understood her allusion to the service that he had rendered to her and the cardinal, but all felt that it must be something altogether exceptional.  Many of the nobles who belonged neither to the party of Beaufort nor the cardinal came up and congratulated him.

He received these signs of the impression that the queens’ words had conferred upon him quietly.

“I am very sorry for what has occurred,” he said.  “I have killed many in battle, but this is the first time that I have killed anyone in a private quarrel.  It was not one of my seeking, but I am none the less sorry.”

As he passed near Madame de Chevreuse, she made a gesture to him to come to her.  “You did not accept my warning,” she said sadly.  “Remember, a storm is not past because the first flash of lightning does not strike.”

“I am well aware of that, madam; I thank you for your warning, but I am bound here by my duties as a tree is bound to the earth by its roots, and neither can move at will to escape a storm passing overhead.”

“Should I hear of any fresh danger, Monsieur Campbell,” she said in a low voice, “I will have you informed of it, but it is more probable that I shall not know.  Were it a state secret I should surely hear of it, but in a matter like this none save those concerned would be likely to know of it until it was over.  Be always on your guard night and day, you cannot tell when the bolt may fall;” and she motioned to him to pass on again.  As before, Hector accompanied the cardinal as far as his hotel, then he went towards his own lodgings, Paolo, with his hand on his dagger, keeping a pace behind him, while the four troopers followed one by one at a distance.  The streets were almost deserted until, just as they approached the inn, a number of rough men rushed out from side alleys and doorways.  Hector had just time to throw himself with his back to a house and draw his sword.  Paolo’s knife had levelled the first man who approached, and then drawing his sword he took his place by the side of his master.  The ruffians stood round, each anxious to be the first to strike, and yet fearful of meeting the sword that had, as they had heard, mastered three gentlemen.

Project Gutenberg
Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.