Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about Won By the Sword .

Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about Won By the Sword .

“I am afraid that you will not be able to take it,” Hector said aloud.

“What is the matter with your comrade?” the landlord asked.

“He has a terrible abscess in his jaw, and is unable to speak or to swallow.”

The landlord took the torch from its place and walked over and looked at Paolo’s cheek.  “There is no mistake about that,” he said.  “It is indeed a terrible swelling, and the cheek looks almost raw.”

“He has put liniments on it,” Hector said, “but they seem to have done him harm rather than good.  However, he is not so bad as he was, and I hope that the abscess will break ere long.”

The landlord fastened the torch up again, and said in a low tone to the other men:  “There is no doubt about his face being bad.”  As he turned away from the table he stood between Hector and the other men, and the former seized the opportunity of pouring the contents of his mug against the wall by his knee, knowing that as the floor was of earth it would soak it up at once.  From time to time he lifted the mug to his lips, until he apparently drained it.  Then half closing his eyes he leant up against the corner.  Paolo had already laid his head down on the table, and after a time both breathed heavily and regularly.  Half an hour later one of the men rose noiselessly and left the room.  Two or three minutes afterwards he returned with the host, the man who had gone out before, and two others.

“Seven against two,” Hector thought to himself.  “However, we shall have the advantage of a surprise.”  He touched Paolo with his foot to assure himself that he had not really gone off to sleep, but the responsive movement showed that he also was on his guard.  The man who had first left the room and one of the others drew their long knives and stepped quietly forward, while the others, also with bared weapons, prepared to support them if necessary.  Hector waited until the two leaders were close, then he exclaimed sharply, “Now!” at the same moment throwing forward his hand with the pistol.  Two reports rang out at the same moment, and the men pitched heavily forward.  A yell of surprise and fury broke from the others, but ere they could step over their fallen comrades, Hector and his companion stood erect with their second pistols in their right hands and their axes ready for action in their left.

Hector’s second shot took effect on the landlord, Paolo’s apparently missed, for the other four rushed forward.  Hector dashed the table aside, and he and Paolo, poising their heavy axes, rushed forward to meet their assailants.

Project Gutenberg
Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.