Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about Won By the Sword .

Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about Won By the Sword .

“You are unhurt, I hope,” the lady said as Hector approached.

“I have two or three more wounds,” he said, “but, like those I had before, they are of little account.”

“It was a terrible fight,” she said.  “We watched it from the top of the turret, and it seemed to us that you were lost each time you plunged into the crowd, you were so few among such numbers.  Have you lost any men?”

“We have only had thirteen killed outright,” he said.  “Twelve more are very seriously wounded, but I think most of them will recover.  As to the rest of the company, I fancy that most of them will require some bandaging.  And now I shall recommend you and your daughter to return to your shelter.  I have no fear whatever of their coming back again.”

“That we cannot do,” she said firmly.  “It is our duty to do what we can to aid those who have fought so bravely.”

“The men are now attending to each other’s wounds,” Hector said.  “Every man in my regiment carries, by my orders, a couple of bandages.  We found them most useful at Freiburg, and many a life was saved that would have been lost but for their use; but if you insist upon doing anything, I would ask you to carry wine and water round.  The troopers will draw the water for you from the well in the courtyard here.”

“That we will do willingly,” she said.

For the next two hours the ladies were busy at work, moving among the men and supplying them with refreshments.  Not until all their wants were amply supplied did they retire.

In the morning Hector said:  “Now, Madame de Blenfoix, I have been thinking the matter over, and consider that it would be a wholly unnecessary journey and a loss of four days were you to travel to Nancy with us.  You are only ten days’ journey from Poitou, and I should advise you to start at once.  My man, Paolo, and two of the troopers will accompany you as an escort.  Your road will lead through Orleans, which will be almost halfway, and you will also pass through Tours.  At both these towns you can, if you will, stay for a day to rest.  I will ride down with you into Blenfoix, where I shall be able to get paper and pens, and will write letters to Captain MacIntosh and to my intendant explaining exactly the position that you will occupy.  One of the troopers will ride forward with these from your last halting place before you arrive there, in order that you may find everything prepared and be received properly on your arrival.  Do you both ride, or would you rather have a pillion’s place behind the troopers?”

“We both ride,” she said; “but I should prefer, on a journey like this, that my daughter should ride behind me on a pillion.  You are altogether too good, Colonel Campbell.  You are heaping kindnesses upon us.”

“Not at all, madam.  And now you will doubtless be glad to hear that in searching round the place this morning, we have discovered that two of your horses that had doubtless been turned loose by the peasants have found their way back.  No difficulty will therefore arise on that score.  The saddles are hanging from the beams in the stable, so that everything is in readiness for your departure.”

Project Gutenberg
Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.