Falk eBook

Joseph M. Carey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 114 pages of information about Falk.

Falk eBook

Joseph M. Carey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 114 pages of information about Falk.

As I said these words I felt how absurd it was and also I felt flattered—­for, really, what else could it be?  His answer, spoken in his usual dispassionate undertone, made it clear that it was so, but not precisely as flattering as I supposed.  He thought me dangerous with Hermann, more than with the girl herself; but, as to quarrelling, I saw at once how inappropriate the word was.  We had no quarrel.  Natural forces are not quarrelsome.  You can’t quarrel with the wind that inconveniences and humiliates you by blowing off your hat in a street full of people.  He had no quarrel with me.  Neither would a boulder, falling on my head, have had.  He fell upon me in accordance with the law by which he was moved—­not of gravitation, like a detached stone, but of self-preservation.  Of course this is giving it a rather wide interpretation.  Strictly speaking, he had existed and could have existed without being married.  Yet he told me that he had found it more and more difficult to live alone.  Yes.  He told me this in his low, careless voice, to such a pitch of confidence had we arrived at the end of half an hour.

It took me just about that time to convince him that I had never dreamed of marrying Hermann’s niece.  Could any necessity have been more extravagant?  And the difficulty was the greater because he was so hard hit that he couldn’t imagine anybody being able to remain in a state of indifference.  Any man with eyes in his head, he seemed to think, could not help coveting so much bodily magnificence.  This profound belief was conveyed by the manner he listened sitting sideways to the table and playing absently with a few cards I had dealt to him at random.  And the more I saw into him the more I saw of him.  The wind swayed the lights so that his sunburnt face, whiskered to the eyes, seemed to successively flicker crimson at me and to go out.  I saw the extraordinary breadth of the high cheek-bones, the perpendicular style of the features, the massive forehead, steep like a cliff, denuded at the top, largely uncovered at the temples.  The fact is I had never before seen him without his hat; but now, as if my fervour had made him hot, he had taken it off and laid it gently on the floor.  Something peculiar in the shape and setting of his yellow eyes gave them the provoking silent intensity which characterised his glance.  But the face was thin, furrowed, worn; I discovered that through the bush of his hair, as you may detect the gnarled shape of a tree trunk lost in a dense undergrowth.  These overgrown cheeks were sunken.  It was an anchorite’s bony head fitted with a Capuchin’s beard and adjusted to a herculean body.  I don’t mean athletic.  Hercules, I take it, was not an athlete.  He was a strong man, susceptible to female charms, and not afraid of dirt.  And thus with Falk, who was a strong man.  He was extremely strong, just as the girl (since I must think of them together) was magnificently attractive by the masterful power of

Project Gutenberg
Falk from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.