Falk eBook

Joseph M. Carey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 114 pages of information about Falk.

Falk eBook

Joseph M. Carey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 114 pages of information about Falk.

“He makes ten times the money I do.  I’ve another hotel to fight against, and there is no other tug on the river.  I am not in his way, am I?  He wouldn’t be fit to run an hotel if he tried.  But that’s just his nature.  He can’t bear to think I am making a living.  I only hope it makes him properly wretched.  He’s like that in everything.  He would like to keep a decent table well enough.  But no—­for the sake of a few cents.  Can’t do it.  It’s too much for him.  That’s what I call being a slave to it.  But he’s mean enough to kick up a row when his nose gets tickled a bit.  See that?  That just paints him.  Miserly and envious.  You can’t account for it any other way.  Can you?  I have been studying him these three years.”

He was anxious I should assent to his theory.  And indeed on thinking it over it would have been plausible enough if there hadn’t been always the essential falseness of irresponsibility in Schomberg’s chatter.  However, I was not disposed to investigate the psychology of Falk.  I was engaged just then in eating despondently a piece of stale Dutch cheese, being too much crushed to care what I swallowed myself, let along bothering my head about Falk’s ideas of gastronomy.  I could expect from their study no clue to his conduct in matters of business, which seemed to me totally unrestrained by morality or even by the commonest sort of decency.  How insignificant and contemptible I must appear, for the fellow to dare treat me like this—­I reflected suddenly, writhing in silent agony.  And I consigned Falk and all his peculiarities to the devil with so much mental fervour as to forget Schomberg’s existence, till he grabbed my arm urgently.  “Well, you may think and think till every hair of your head falls off, captain; but you can’t explain it in any other way.”

For the sake of peace and quietness I admitted hurriedly that I couldn’t:  persuaded that now he would leave off.  But the only result was to make his moist face shine with the pride of cunning.  He removed his hand for a moment to scare a black mass of flies off the sugar-basin and caught hold of my arm again.

“To be sure.  And in the same way everybody is aware he would like to get married.  Only he can’t.  Let me quote you an instance.  Well, two years ago a Miss Vanlo, a very ladylike girl, came from home to keep house for her brother, Fred, who had an engineering shop for small repairs by the water side.  Suddenly Falk takes to going up to their bungalow after dinner, and sitting for hours in the verandah saying nothing.  The poor girl couldn’t tell for the life of her what to do with such a man, so she would keep on playing the piano and singing to him evening after evening till she was ready to drop.  And it wasn’t as if she had been a strong young woman either.  She was thirty, and the climate had been playing the deuce with her.  Then—­don’t you know—­Fred had to sit up with them for propriety, and during whole weeks on end never got a single chance

Project Gutenberg
Falk from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.